they were created for each other

402 19 78

ㄴand they were built from each other

because god took one rib from him

and put it in the otherㄱ

"there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people"
- vincent van gogh


the first time he sees him its on a bench in front of the creation of adam, his pencil sketching eagerly on a notepad.

his hair is blonde, and it falls over his forehead despite the hair gel shining in it, signaling that he tried to style it that morning but either the wind or the long amount of time he's had his head bowed has pushed it out of position. yugyeom moves forward to get a closer look at his drawing, trying to look inconspicuous because who likes a stranger watching them draw, but he's also entranced completely by this silent man and he can't look away. he's standing slightly behind a statue that he shouldn't be so close to because it's obviously part of the exhibit and one more movement and his hand might touch it and set off the alarm, but he doesn't care, he's watching this boy and his drawing.

it's about half way done but yugyeom can tell what it is, it's a sketch of the extremely recognizable hands of adam and god and it's close up so you can't see anything else but their fingers inches apart from touching. he's entranced with the way this man pulls his pencil across the paper with such trained grace and he can't pull his eyes away no matter how hard he tries.

the drawing isn't exactly like the original; it's unique and yugyeom can almost tell everything he needs to know about the man creating it by the differences he makes.

yugyeom's hands are dangerously close to the statue now, and a security guard seems to see this and walks over to tell him to step back. embarrassed, yugyeom walks away with a last glance in the man's direction, but he hasn't even looked up from his drawing.

the second time he sees him is two months later. his hair is a dark brown and yugyeom almost doesn't recognize him, but it's the sketch pad in his lap and that serene expression that gives it away. honestly, yugyeom is surprised to even see him again; he thought that after the first encounter it would be over and he would forget him. but he's been at the back of his mind as of late like a dust covered memory that he hardly remembers but can't ever seem to forget.

the fact that yugyeom's at the art exhibit is a miracle in and of itself because he's never been a huge fan of classic art and the first time was a complete coincidence that he was even there, but he's back and so is this man and he can't help but wonder if he comes there every day. it's a nearly cheesy thought and he imagines himself approaching the man and saying some stupid pick up line that definitely would not work on someone who's obviously so mature.

he's standing too close again, pretending to admire the art but really he's admiring him because the only true art yugyeom sees in the room just happens to be this man and his sketch pad. he's lost in his own mind watching his pencil move on the page and possibly he doesn't notice when the man's perfectly serene face (it's like his face is stuck in one position, yugyeom's never seen it different from the serene and peaceful expression he has and it's almost like he's one of statues he sketches, carved out of stone years ago and unchanging for the rest of time) turns to something different. an amused smile tugs at his lips because he's noticed yugyeom, he noticed him the first time actually and if he's being honest maybe he's been showing off a bit to this tall boy that's so interested in his drawings.

he sits back; the movement startles yugyeom and he jumps into a stiff position, swiveling his head to a different painting and pretending like that's what he's been looking at this entire time and not hopelessly admiring the art work of the dark haired man.

ART EXHIBIT ; markgyeom Where stories live. Discover now