Square Dancing ~ Sans x Frisk

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Frisk's pov:


I woke up, in a bad mood. Today was the start of the second marking period at school, which means I have to start square dancing in gym.

Now, in square dancing, we have to pick a group that consists of 4 girls, and 4 boys. We have to stand in a square formation, hence 'square dancing', and it goes boy-girl, and we have to be in partners, or as the stupid teachers call them, 'couples'.

We then have to learn the moves, and then they play a song that says what we have to do and in what order.

Then I remember...

Wait a minute-
Sans is in my gym class!
Maybe he'll be my partner?
No...he's got so many girls that are better than be that he would so much rather be partners with...
Guess I've gotta be with some cringy nerd...

I hope not.

If it wasn't obvious enough already, I have a BIG crush on this monster that goes to my school, named Sans.

He's just so charming, and sweet, and-

What am I saying?
I sigh.

I begin getting ready for school, making sure I wear a super large hoodie so I can wear it over my gym clothes and have my hands covered by the sleeves so I don't have to touch anyone.

I walk to the bus stop, thinking about what'll happen later in the day at gym.

*time skip to gym class*

I walk into the locker room, and start putting on my gym clothes.

I put my large hoodie back on, and as I was walking out of the locker room, my gym teacher, Ms. Undyne, told me I wasn't allowed to wear my hoodie during gym class.

"You don't need that, it's super hot in the gym. Go put it back in your locker." She says.

I roll my eyes as I take it off and walk back to my locker.

Great. Now I've gotta hold some sweaty kid's hand.

I look over at Sans, who was staring at me, blushing, with a cute smirk on his face.

I blush deep red, and hide my face with my hair.

I sit in my spot on the gym floor, Ms. Undyne takes attendance of the class then tells us to sit in the middle until further instruction.

The teachers tell us to quiet down, then they explain what we're going to do. After they explain, they tell us to go find groups for square dancing. 4 boys, 4 girls.

I find my best friend, Chara. There's 2 girls already.

Now only 2 more girls, and 4 boys.

We found a few more people. Asriel joined our group, and chose Chara as his partner.

Of course, they're siblings. They've got that easy.

We then get a two of Chara's girl friends, Karrie and Gabriella.

We find two other boys, Billy and Steve. They pair up with Karrie and Gabriella.

Of course I'm the only one left.

I see Sans wandering around like a nomad, and he spots me staring at him. He winks at me and runs over.

"Partners?" He asks, sweetly but kinda shyly as he puts his hand out, causing me to blush a lot.

I cover my face with one hand as I grab his hand with my free hand. "Yes, definitely!!" Thank Asgore Ms. Undyne told me not to wear my hoodie.

I couldn't believe it. I just couldn't!!

I've never been happier.

The song starts up.

-Join hands, circle left.
Walk up to the middle and back.
Join hands circle right.
Do si do your corner back to back
Now do so do your partner back to back.

As Sans and I do si do, he winks at me and blows a kiss. I blush a lot.

Promenade your partner home~

As Sans and I promenade, he turns to me and kisses me right on the lips.

Chara looks at me and makes a kissy face from her side of the square, and Asriel looks slightly jealous. The other four didn't even seem to notice.

"I-what was that for? In front of all these people? I mean I don't mind but-"

He cuts me off with another kiss. I blush a deep crimson red, and he says to me, "Hush, just keep dancin Frisk. Don't worry about it." He smiles and we keep dancing. After our group finishes, we sit on the side of the gym as the next few groups of kids go up.

"So does this mean we-"

"Yep." He cuts me off and puts his arm around me.

Ever since that day, square dancing has been one of my favorite things to do. And each year, me and my skeleton boyfriend were always partners.

And each year, I thank Ms. Undyne for telling me not to wear that hoodie, and she doesn't even know why.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2018 ⏰

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