Chapter Two: Octavian

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Rachtavian chap 2

Chapter two: Octavian

His whole body was sore. It was an effort to just open his eyes. But when he did, all he saw was a mop of curly red hair, and a freckled face with piercing green eyes.

"Woah," Octavian moaned. Realization dawned on his face.

"You, you're, HER," he said. "The only one who came to help me when the eidolons left me." The girl tilted her head.

"Don't a get a thank you?" She asked.

"Th-th-thank you." He spat out. Octavian NEVER thanked anybody, nobody ever did anything that required a genuine 'thank you.'

"What's your name? You never told me. I need to know who helped me," Octavian said. Suddenly the red-haired girl became nervous-looking.

"I-I have to go. Now," she said, "bye!" It took all of Octavian's strength to grab her arm. "Why do you have to leave?" He asked.

"If I get caught with you, it'll ruin my reputation! You aren't really everyone's friend right now. Can you let go of my arm now?" She said.

"Why were you in here then?" Octavian asked.

"Just passing through. Nothing more," she said. Octavian let go of her arm.

"Of course, you aren't lying. I can tell. I better get out of here, start the long trek back to New Rome. Bye graecus." Octavian got out of the bed, he was still weak, but he managed to stand. He was like a small child, once he started walking, he keep going. He stepped out of the infirmary. Once he reached half-blood hill, he started to jog up, away from the greacus camp. Away from the Roman soldiers. Away from the people who hated him even more the ever. He crossed the border out of the camp. He took out his dagger and looked at looked at his reflection. What he saw was a pale face, stringy blonde hair, and eyes that threaten to spill ten years' worth of tears. So he ran, and the first tear fell, followed by the rest. And they didn't stop.

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