Chapter Three: Rachel

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Rachtavian chap 3

Chapter three: Rachel

Rachel saw Octavian run, debating wether or not to follow. But curiosity won out, and she snuck out, following Octavian past the border. 'What's he doing? Isn't New Rome to the east?' Rachel thought. She just shrugged, following the boy.

After about an hour of following Octavian, she almost ran into a tree. He abruptly stopped, and looked around him, drawing his dagger. Rachel ducked behind some thick bushes, and peeked out. 'He must be out of shape,' she thought, 'he's covered in sweat!' But then she noticed that he was only "sweating" below his eyes. Octavian was CRYING! That didn't compute in Rachel's brain. Octavian, emotion? That didn't make any sense. At all. After awhile a checking for anything suspicious, he sat down on the ground. Then he noticed that it was the same time of day that it was when the Romans attacked. Rachel gulped. She forgot to tell him that he was unconscious for three days! 'Stupid Rachel!' She scolded herself. Then, Octavian stood up. His arms were crossed, and he stared at the sky, as if to say 'how long was I out?' Then he shrugged, and started jogging again. Once he was out of earshot, Rachel started following again.

After ANOTHER hour -where was he going?!- she saw where she was. New York City. Octavian started to walk, 'Finally!' Rachel thought. She was sweating, her shirt sticking to her back. He headed towards Central Park, and crashed on a bench. Luckily, the Apollo kids decided that his toga was TOO dirty to be acceptable on the infirmary bed. Nobody questioned a boy in a Roman T-shirt, they were to busy drinking coffee. New Yorkers, so oblivious. Rachel felt like a stalker, so she decided to sit on a bench, where she could see him, but he couldn't see her. He probably wouldn't take too kindly to the girl who said "it would ruin my reputation" if she was seen with him... Whoops. Central Park was pretty quiet, which was good, because nobody saw Octavian jump when the air shimmered, and an iris-message appeared in front of his face.

"WHERE THE PLUTO HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Boomed the voice if Reyna, obviously pissed off.

"I LEFT YOU!!" Octavian yelled back. "FORGET ROME, FORGET THE GREEKS, FORGET ALL OF YOU!! I'M LEAVING!!" He yelled. Rachel could tell Reyna was just as shocked as Rachel was.

"Have you been CRYING?" Reyna laughed. "Look at this Percy! Jason! Octavian, big bad roman, crying!"

"Seriously dude?" Percy's voice, obviously laughing.

"Octavian?" Jason added, laughing as well. Octavian got off the bench, storming off in Rachel's direction. He saw her.

"You!" He yelled. " You told them! You evil little greacus!!" He ran, and Rachel followed, yelling at him to stop.

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