Chapter Four: Octavian

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Rachtavian chap 4

Chapter four: Octavian

Octavian didn't care about the people he ran past, even if he did push some of them. He'd never been in a place this crowded before. Sure, New Rome was busy, but New York City appeared to be busting at the seams with people. Even though the mist had no part in this whole thing, the mortals probably just thought that Octavian was just a boy being chased by his girlfriend. 'Girlfriend? Where'd that thought come from?' He thought. Octavian didn't even know the ginger's name! Whatever. Totally irrelevant. Octavian turned down an alleyway, hoping to lose the persistent ginger. No such luck. The alley was a dead-end. 'Whoops,' Octavian thought, 'I'm in trouble...'

'Note to self: Never piss off a ginger.' The red-haired girl came into the alley. Octavian gulped. She was steamed! Octavian slid down the wall and covered his face in his hands. He was sooo screwed.

"Why did you follow me?! Leave me alone! I just want to be alone!" He yelled. The ginger just stared at him. Was that, pity, anger, sadness? What was with her?! She walked over and sat next to him. She looked up at him, he was about four inches taller than her.

"Sorry about all this, I was just curious and wanted to know where you were going. But Reyna just called on her own, probably to know where you were."

"I'm a deserter!" Octavian cried. "I left Rome! I'll never be able to go back as long as my miserable lasts!!" Octavian wasn't ashamed of crying in front of the girl. She just put her arm over his shoulders and patted his back.

"It's okay, you could come back to Camp Half Blood. My name's Rachel by the way."

"You know who I am. 'The most hated person in New Rome' they call me." Rachel laughed.

"What's so funny?!" Octavian asked.

"Nothing!" She giggled again.

"Seriously Rachel! What's funny?"

Octavian saw that she was just laughing to cover some, was that embarrassment?

"Oh um," Rachel said. "I don't hate you!" She grabbed his hand, and Octavian felt his face heat up.

"Come on Octavian, let's go to Starbucks! I'll pay for it, I've got mortal money." She pulled out a wad of flimsy paper dollars, mortal money.

"What's a 'Starbucks'?" He asked. Rachel giggled, a real giggle this time.

"Well lets go then!" She said. "Oh, and wipe your face off," she added with a smirk, and pulling out a napkin. Octavian wiped his face off, and took her hand. Her face got red, and so did his. But he didn't care.

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