Part 3 : The Rescue

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They were using him as bait. Jasper was tied to a tree as bait. Traps surrounded him, and I had no idea where it was safe to step. I steadied my mask and took a deep breath. I stood atop a tree with a birds eye view. I sprinted from tree to tree trying to get to Jasper. I took a final, big leap forward to get to the tree Jasper hung from. I landed on one of the lowest branches but immediately lost my footing. I slipped, but I quickly got a grip on the same branch and climbed my way up.

I stood in front of Jasper as I tried to steady him to see his wounds. He started to wake up and his eyes started to open. "Hey, I need you to stay with me right now," I whispered. I poured some disinfected on his wounds before threading my needle for his stitches. I was about halfway done with his biggest, most fatal wound when I heard voices. It was the grounders coming to see if anyone had come back for Jasper yet. I quickly finished up my stitching, and prepared my dagger keeping a close eye on the grounders.

"Thank you," Jasper said with a small smile on his face. I glanced back at him as I nodded, making sure he knew I acknowledged his gratitude. That was when I heard even more voices coming from the opposite direction. I turned around seeing Bell and the others making their way towards Jasper.

"Good news, your friends are here," I whispered to jasper as he smiled and looked around. "Bad news, so are your killers," I said. He then froze and started to panic. "Stay here and wait for your friends. I'm gonna go fend off the grounders and give you guys some time to get away." Jasper nodded as I took my sword out.

"Wait, who are you?" Jasper asked. I stayed quiet. "I would like to know the name of the woman who saved my life," he smiled at me.

I shook my head at him, "I can not give you that information," I told him. He looked confused and quite sacred. I let out a shaky laugh and continued, "You will get into more trouble, and you will need even more help. This will not be the last time you see me, and this is not the last time I will help you." And what I said was true.

I left as his eyes started to close and he became unconscious. I swung from tree to tree in the direction of the grounders. Upon seeing them, I quickly dove down and stood behind them to turn their attention away from Jasper. As I landed with a thud the grounders turned their heads to look at me. I flashed them a smile and ran away from where they hung Jasper. They chased after me as I subtly left little clues behind so they could track me.

I gained enough distance so they couldn't actually see me. I dragged my foot against the ground and swiped dagger against a tree to make it seem as if I made a swift turn. I then immediately ran up a tree and made sure my mask was secure. However I quickly realised that I had left my throwing knives. Unfortunately the only blades I had were my dagger, and a small old and almost broken switchblade. Neither were great for throwing, but I could make it work. If anything I brought my sword if needed. I readied my knives as they came to a stop noticing my tracks. As they turned around I got a perfect shot at their head, as planned. I quickly threw my knives and they fell to the ground.

I got down from the tree and went to take my knives back, but before I could, I heard even more footsteps coming. i took what I could, including my knives and climbed back up the tree. However, as I ran one of my knives fell. It was too late to get it back.

I hid within the leaves and watched as Bell, Jasper, and the rest of them ran into the area. "Jasper, are you sure you weren't just hallucinating this girl? There's nobody here," Clarke said trying to catch her breath. Jasper was being held up by her and some other dude.

"Well, I wouldn't say that," Bell said as he pointed out the bodies of the grounders. He then picked up the knife I had left and studied it. "Whoever this girl is, she has skill. This knife...You'd need to be an expert to aim this for a perfect one-shot kill," he said.

"It's basically broken. That had to have been luck," The boy holding up Jasper pointed out. I smirked. I doubt it considering that luck has never been on my side.

"That's strange. Her tracks stop here," Bell pointed out. "Search the area. They're still here," Bell commanded. I panicked. Jasper started to awake once again. As he lifted his head he was able to get a glance at me. He pointed at my direction as the rest of their heads turned. Bell had his gun ready and aimed it right at me. This was it. I needed to get out of here.

I dropped down from the tree and sprinted away from them, making sure to run in a random pattern to decrease my chances of getting shot. "We don't want to hurt you," Clarke yelled after me. A shot was heard and I quickly skidded onto the ground to get down and cover. As I slid across the ground I shifted my body so I could land on my knees to face them. I quickly unsheathed my sword and had my other hand grip my dagger to throw at them. Just in case. "We just want to know who you are," Clarke stated as she held her hands up in surrender.

Bell still had his gun aimed at me. Clarke told him to put it down which he refused. I gave him a worried look. I didn't want to hurt them. After he caught sight of my eyes he lowered is gun. I sheathed my sword as I stood up. "I can not tell you much," I said, "I can tell you that you are in danger, and I know that you are good people who have gone through so much. I know you are young, and you are naive, and you have much more to live for than suffering, and you need help." They surrounded me. I needed to gain their trust so they would let me go. "I can tell you that I don't mean any harm to you or your people, and I am trying to help you. But I can't do anything, if you don't let me go."

"We can't do that," Bell said while aiming his gun at me once again. "Do I know you?" Bell asked as he got closer. He started to lower his gun, but he caught himself and aimed it right at my head. "I need you to take the mask off," He said, almost like he was pleading. He was starting to recognise me, and that was bad. I shook my head.

"I can't do that," I said as I kicked my foot up, knocking the gun out of his hand as I went into back-flip. I quickly grabbed the gun out of the air, cocked it, and aimed it at Bell. They all put their hands up in surrender; most of them started to panic. Bell kept calm, attempting to talk me down. "I'm not gonna shoot you," I said giving out a shaky laugh and turning the safety on, "but I need to go, and I don't have time to answer your questions. I'm sorry," I said.

I had completely forgotten about the spies I had sent out, and by now I knew I'd be in trouble when I got back home. "I'm in enough trouble now as it is," I said as I back away from them. "Perhaps we'll meet again soon," i said with a smirk as i put the gun down and sprinted towards the city. I quickly climbed onto a tree, so they couldn't track me, and went on my merry way.

Right now, I only knew two things for sure: 1. The council is not going to be happy when I get home. 2. He remembers me.

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