Part 4 : The Plan

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"Do you know what could have happened?" I currently stood in front of the council as they explained to me the several things that could have gone wrong. The minute I walked through the castle doors, I was dragged by two guards to stand in front of the council, right in the center of the conference hall. "You could have gotten hurt," Nova said as she crossed her arms against her chest.

"If I didn't go, they would have gotten hurt," I spoke calmly, "I want to help them." I held my head high. I was confident with my decision. I had made up my mind.

"Do you even know them?" And it went on like this. Arguing back and forth. Mostly with Nova.

I let out a laugh as I smiled at Nova. "I do." Nova was annoyed with me. it was rare that we agreed. We always fought. Since the moment we met. Our personalities were total opposites, and they clashed like waves against a stone cliff. "Nova, calm yourself."

I couldn't help but feel bad for the rest of the council who always had to witness everything. From friendly bickering to raging fights. The council has seen it all. An amused smile showed itself on my face at how the rest of the council sat asleep in their seats or hiding behind whatever they could find. "What are we suppose to do if we lose you?"

The smile left my face. I looked at Nova with a sincerity in my eyes. The council kept their eyes on us, their attention held within those words. "Nova, they-" Nova slammed her hands against the table. A fire within her irises. She looked at me as her jaw clenched.

"They are not your people!" The air was thick with tension.

"But they are, in a way. They-" Nova was not having it. She once again slammed against the table.

"They left you! They abandoned you! They wanted you to suffer! They wanted you dead! And now that they are here, what is going to happen? To you? To us? They turned on you! You want to help them?" Tears streamed down her eyes as she yelled. Her scream the only thing piercing through the silent room. "I will not go through this again!"

I walked over to Nova to calm her down. I held her hands in mine as she trembled. Nova wasn't always so paranoid. Her past was complicated, and she was still learning how to handle her anxiety and PTSD. I wiped her tears and attempted to comfort her.

"It is true that not all of them are trustworthy, but I know them. There are good people within them, and I need you to trust me in helping them so that I can make sure that those good people are kept in power and stay good." I said sternly. Nova shook her head as she pursed her lips unsure of my decision. "Having allies is a powerful thing. So don't ruin this," I warned her.

Nova shook her head, her eyes twitching in her rage. "Why?" she asked. "They betrayed you," she whispered. "No," she stated calmly. I gave her a confused look. "No. Absolutely not," she let out a bitter laugh, "You are not to leave this castle. You may not go and help the people who left you to die." She said as I sent her a glare. I sent a smirk her way.

"You can make your declarations all you want, but it won't stop me." Nova knew me. If there was something I wanted, I'd get it. It didn't matter what I had to go through to.

"They left you," she spat. She couldn't wrap her head around my thoughts. She didn't understand. "Just answer me this: Why?"

"They raised me," I stated. She shook her head. I didn't give her the answer she was looking for. She was starting to get on my nerves. "There are people there that I care for, Nova."

"Like the criminal?" she asked. "Their leader?"

"Don't test my patience, Nova," I said as I made my way closer to her. "I'm going to help them. Not because I have feelings for any of them, but because I want to," I said. "And I can. Because I'm the queen, and what I say goes. And you are going to bow down and obey because you are not." It was harsh and petty, but I was done. I had enough of Nova thinking she was in control.

"Don't let that power get to your head. If you make the wrong decisions and it costs us, you will get overthrown. Then you can kiss your pretty crown, big castle, and comfy throne goodbye," Nova threatened.

"I don't need a throne to have authority. I don't need a castle to rule an empire. And I, for one, don't need a crown to be a queen," I sneered at Nova.

"Just a heads up, I never said you had feelings for him," Nova smirked. I clenched my fists as my teeth grinded against each other. My jaw was tight and locked in place. "But if you're willing to sacrifice our warriors for a single man who belongs to the people who betrayed you, then I can no longer support you as my queen."

"I never said anything about sending our people out," I smiled as I finally let in a victorious breath. My teeth shining as I grinned while walking away from Nova. I turned to look her in the eye, a smug smile upon my face. "I said I will do whatever it takes to help them. I, and I alone."

Nova glared at me as if trying to kill me twice within her head. "No," she said. "You'd be alone, and vulnerable. Unprotected! Defenseless!"

"Don't think I can take care of myself? I've done so before," I smiled. She rolled her eyes at me and continued her rant.

"You'd be gone for a concerning amount of time. What would happen to us? Who'd be in charge?" She pointed out. Her brow arched as she tested me.

"Since you seem so keen and confident, you," I answered. Her eyes widened as I laughed. She let out a huff of frustration.

"You're not going alone," she said. This argument was quite repetitive, and I was annoyed. She took a deep breath. "Take at least 3 guards with you," she said reluctantly. I let out a grin as she glared at me. "You are not to be seen unless help is absolutely necessary!" 

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