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(Living room/stairs^^^^^)

Mark had left early in the morning because he had to do something for his company before he left Japan. He told me he'd be back by lunch. Which I was happy about at least I'd be able to spend some time with him before he left. I wondered if I'd be lonely after he left..... Or if my parents would change and go back to how they used to. Right now I'm in the living room with my mom who's drinking tea with me well I was drinking coffee.

"So Ki-Dae do you want to go have breakfast tomorrow with my coworker and her son?" My mom asked smiling.
I looked at her for a brief moment.

"It's okay if you don't want to" she said quickly.
"No I'd love to go okaasan" I said.
She clapped her hands squealing. She pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so glad you said yes, I'm not really sure what kind of restaurant it is but it's a really nice one" I nodded my head.
"Okay okaasan I'll dress nice" I smiled. My sister stomped into the room.
"SERIOUSLY SHE'S COMING WITH US?" my sister yelled at our mom. I got up looking at my sister. My sister was actually really pretty in my opinion she had a hazel brown neck length hair, she was about 5'5, and she has slightly tan skin complemented with hazel eyes. Her tan skin made her beauty stand out, it had people admiring her beauty. Apposed to me who was 5'1 black long hair, pale skin, and I had grey eyes. I got up frowning my brows.

"Hey keep your voice down, you need to calm yourself Uensi" I said to her. My sister stepped closer to my face.
"Yeah and what are you gonna do about it?" My sister challenged.
My mom was trying to stop the fight. She probably thought because of how small height and weight wise that my sister would snap me in two. But my mom knew nothing about my past none of them did. None of them knew who smoke was.

"You have done nothing but burden everyone since coming back, I wish you never did" Uensi said. Then within a blink of an eye a loud smack was herd. Uensi was holding her cheek as our mom was in front of me, keeping us separated.
"You will never say those words again do you understand me, how dare you say that to your sister? After you first hand saw how badly we tried finding her" My mother asked her. She sounded furious. She took a deep breathe. She turned to me.
"I'm sorry for your sisters' actions Ki-Dae" she said calmly. My sister just stood there fuming in anger.

My mother sighed turning to her.
"Go get your car keys" she said to my sister" my sister obliged and ran up the stairs. My mom gave me a sad smile and I smiled back.
"Don't worry to much about her okaasan". My sister came back with her keys and my mother took them. Putting them in her pocket. Uensi let out a growl as she glared at me.
"You're coming with us tomorrow for breakfast and you're going to behave Uensi" my mother said sternly. She just nodded and headed back up to her room. The door opened and in came my father. He smiled at us and hugged my mom. He looked at her questionably.

"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Uensi shes just being a handful" my mom said. As my father placed the bag she had told him to go get from early this morning it was now 12:33 in the afternoon. She began cooking and I sat on the island stool by the kitchen counter. After about 30 minutes the food was ready and I set the table. Then Mark came in, my mom smiled at him and he bowed.
"You're just in time for lunch mark" my mom said to him in Japanese. I'm pretty sure he didn't know what she said cause he just smiled and laughed.

"She said you were just in time for lunch" I translated for him. He made an 'ohhh okay' kind of face.
"I'm glad I was this smells amazing" he said in Japanese he looked like he was struggling. My dad just chuckled. My sister remained quiet the whole lunch.
"What time is your flight Mark?" My dad asked him, mark looked at me as if saying 'translate please' I just shook my head laughing.
"Flight time" my dad said slowly then as if a light bulb went off in marks head he nodded his head.
"I get on my flight at 7:30" mark said. I chuckled at Marks' behavior, Uensi just shot glares at me. We thanked my mom and dad for the food, Uensi washed the dishes instead this time. Me and Mark went up to my room.
"Hey Mark will you help me pick out an outfit for tomorrow. My wanted me to go have breakfast with one of her coworkers' and her son" I explained.

"Okay move over let me look in your closet, from the cloths we bought yesterday I should find something nice" he said grinning. Mark went into my walk in closet. He spent about 10 minutes in there as I sat layed on my stomach looking through a random magazine. Not really interested in it. He came out showing me 2 different outfits. One was a more sleek and designer outfit. The other was a very colorful cute one.

"I lean more towards this sleek modest type of look, but these are the two I like." He said showing them. I pointed at the first option, I could tell he put more of a korean type fashion into the first one.

"I like that sleek one too, I'll wear that tomorrow" I said. He continued to look around the room.
"Aha and put these on with it tomorrow" he handed me sun glasses.
I took them analysing them. I've never been big on sunglasses I wonder why we got these yesterday.

"Oh and Ki-Dae don't wear a black hat or a face mask tomorrow for breakfast" he said giving me a cheeky smile.

Possessive (Min Yoongi FF) (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now