Dragonball Hakai~ ep 4 (discovery saga)

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Dragonball Hakai~ep 4 (discovery saga)

Frij: quick!, we have to go stop this menace before he kills everyone!

Kyabetsu: it could be a girl, don't assume genders

Frij: who cares let's get there already!

Kyabetsu: and I thought this world would be crime free, I guess it's too good to be true, nobody's perfect

Frij: yeah I know, NOW LET'S GO

Kyabetsu: hah, that rhymed


Kyabetsu: okaaaay, let's go *speeds up dramatically heading towards the city* hey, I can see the guy who's causing all the destruction! Let's tear him to shreds!

Frij: he kinda looks like a robot, oh who cares let's get going!

Kyabetsu and Frij: *land in front of mysterious figure*

Kyabetsu: why are you doing this!? Terrorising and killing all these innocent people! WHO ARE YOU!

Android 3: simple I am Android 3, a robot programmed only to kill and destroy, I was used as a weapon for the red ribbon army until they got destroyed and I was abondoned,

Frij: yup, definitely a robot

Kyabetsu: well then I can't really blame you for the stuff you've done, It was creator to blame for programming you like this, but I'm still going to rip apart piece by piece

Android 3: very well... if you wish to be destroyed!

Kyabetsu: oooohhhhh, that does it, you're going down! *Flies over at full speed to punch android 3 but the punch is easily grabbed and Kyabetsu get's tossed into the air*

Frij: KYABETSU! Oooh, no... what am I going to do!

Android 3: slowly walks towards Frij step by step

Frij: Kyabetsu, take this gutsy seriously he's strong!

Kyabetsu: I think I know that

Frij: go into you're full power!

Kyabetsu: I AM!

Frij: YOU SAID YOU COULD GO 200,000! YOU'RE ONLY 118,000

Kyabetsu: yeah let's talk about that later...

Frij: this isn't the time! Just go full power!

Kyabetsu I CAN'T!

Android 3: *is now face to face with Frij* Well you two seem to have good teamwork *slaps Frij and sends him flying out into the distance*

Kyabetsu: d-dammit! YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT! *charges up ki*

Android 3: well that was a bit of a power boost, but you'll never be able to defeat me! You simply can't!

Kyabetsu: yeah... well, we'll see about that *try's to fly over and punch no 3 but when he is about to hit no 3 he teleports behind him but no 3 sees it coming and elbows him without even looking behind him them kicks backwards sending Kyabetsu straight to the ground*

*2 hours later

Frij: Kyabetsu, Kyabetsu, KYABETSU! WAKE UP! *rapidly shakes Kyabetsu*

Kyabetsu: oouuhhh, huh, oh, I'm up *yawns* hey, what happened to the city, everything is a-ashes, DAMMIT! AND HE LEFT US HERE TO SUFFER! TO LIVE KNOWING WE FAILED TO SAVE THEM!

Frij: uuuhh, yeah pretty much

Kyabetsu: I will make that bastard die slowly, even if I have to die to do so!


Kyabetsu: No, I tried... but... we'll when- uuaaarggghh,
I hate telling this story! Well what happened was, when Arctic killed my family, I just suddenly felt powerful, like I could destroy him with one punch, Then I just started beating him up but, unfortunately it wasn't enough to kill him... and I kinda got held a prisoner, but then that became the next big thing everyone there was talking about, apparently my hair stuck up and turned yellow, then I had this strange aura around me, and apparently the scouters detected my power level was over 200,000... so yeah, that's the story

Frij: oh no what have I done! I'm so sorry I got mad at you, that was harsh what happened to you're parents, look, what about if a miracle comes and we kill this android, we could go hunting for Arctic and kill him, I mean it's just a idea b-

Kyabetsu: no he's just too strong, he-he's unbeatable... there's no stopping him, it's just-it's just impossible

Frij: weeeeell, what are we going to do about... Android 3

Kyabetsu: oh darn, I forgot about him, you know I don't know what I'll do

Frij: all I know is that we need to train, and we need to train hard

Dragonball: Hakai [Discovery Saga] DBH1Where stories live. Discover now