Dragonball Hakai~ ep 6 (discovery saga)

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Dragonball Hakai~ ep 6 (discovery saga)

Kyabetsu: wait, are you noticing that?

Frij: yeah! His powers getting bigger by the second, we mustn't of noticed it because we where so distracted!

Kyabetsu: how is he getting so powerful!? Hey, let's go stop him before he get's too powerful!

Frij: right! *him and Kyabetsu take flight and head towards android*

Kyabetsu: hurry up!

Frij: I can't fly that fast! You know what, you go ahead p, I'll catch up later

Kyabetsu: okay, BYE! *sppeds up* ahh, the fresh air streaming through my face, soooo, nice, huh, I think I see him! What's he doing? Huh, it looks like he's absorbing electricity! He's powering himself up, wait don't tell me that that's the city's main power source he's heading for! I better catch up before he reaches it, there's no telling how powerful he could get!

Android 3: *notices Kyabetsu speeding behind him and speeds up himself*

Kyabetsu: oh no, he's speeding up! I'll never catch him in time now! He must've noticed me!

Android 3: *reaches power plant and put's hand on it to start absorbing

Kyabetsu: NOOO!

Android 3: *starts absorbing energy through hand*

Kyabetsu: *flys down and stands face to face with android*

Android 3: you're to late now, I've nearly finished absorbing the whole power plant!

Kyabetsu: OH NO YOU'RE NOT! *attempts to punch android but is dodged*

Android 3: aaaand... finished *takes hand off power plant and punches Kyabetsu with it which sends him flying*

Kyabetsu: that was a lucky shot, you see I've gotten much stronger since the last time we battled and I'm ready to destroy you and... I was gonna say everybody you love... but you don't really love anybody do you.

Android 3: no, not really, but it does amuse me that you think you can beat me

Kyabetsu: oh, I can't wait to wipe that grin off you're ugly face!

Android 3: Well, you seem overly confident, and last time we fought, you said you'd beat me! But you where left in the ashes of the city you tried to save! And I'm sure I would've looked better if my creator got time to complete me! But because of that insult, YPU'RE GONNA PAY!

Kyabetsu: well someone sure seems sensitive

Android 3: *teleports behind Kyabetsu and try's to punch him in the neck but Kyabetsu ducks and kicks backwards, he then turns around punches Android 3 onto the ground*

Android 3: you weren't kidding but I was only playing around, let's get serious!

Kyabetsu and Android 3: walk up to each other and start a series of punches until Android 3 kicks Kyabetsu in the jaw*

Kyabetsu: *kicks him in the weak spot only to find out that it doesen't affect androids,

Android 3: the robot elbows him in the face and punches him in the jaw,

Kyabetsu: Kyabetsu get's revenge by kicking him in the gut then teleporting behind him and punches him in the back*

Frij: *flys over and lands next to the battle* oh dang, I should of bought some popcorn on the way!

Kyabetsu: don't worry this battles gonna end soon, it'll be over before you can go back and get popcorn, so just stick here, Frij

Android 3: yeah the battle will be over before you know it, and I'll be the victor!

Kyabetsu: keep on dreaming! *goes in to attack*

Frij: (talking to himself while a Kyabetsu and android 3 are fighting) how did number 3 get so powerful? (To Kyabetsu) Hey do you know how he got so strong?

Kyabetsu: (while battling) yeah, he put his hand on that power plant over there and absorbed all the energy- *get's kicked in the face*

Frij: (to himself) that explains it! He absorbs energy, *notices round thing on androids hands* that must be what he uses to absorb energy! *while studying no 3 he notices a battery on both the androids arms* that must be what stores all the energy! If Kyabetsu was to rip it off mr. terminator would become weaker and wouldn't be able to use energy blast either! (To Kyabetsu) KYABETSU I'VE DISCOVERED SOME NEWS, YOU HAVE TO RIP HIS ARM OFF!

Kyabetsu: what will that do?


Kyabetsu: I won't be able to rip it off, I'll need something sharp like a sword!

Frij: I have a knife! It's really sharp though, it was sharpened by the elder frost demons! It can cut through basically anything!

Kyabetsu: good chuck it over!

Frij: well you better be dam fast because it could cut you're hand off if you don't catch it on the handle!

Kyabetsu: JUST CHUCK IT!

Frij: *chucks knife to Kyabetsu*

Kyabetsu: *catches knife and starts doing the random teleporting technique he learned from Ice, when he got close he teleported right in front of android 3 and chopped his right arm off, he then swung his arm over to cut the other arm off, but the android quickly took his arm away and headbutted Kyabetsu*


Kyabetsu: 1 down 1 to go *but before he went to attack the android again, he noticed the android was getting weaker

Frij: that's it! On his wrist was the energy tank he stored the power that he absorbed from the place, he's already weak, it shouldn't be too hard to cut the other one off and finish him once and for all!

Kyabetsu: alright *slowly flys up to android, the android keeps on trying to hit Kyabetsu with the one hand but Kyabetsu keeps on dodging, Kyabetsu then cuts his other hand off and watches the android as he get's weaker and weaker* that was easy, well now to finish him! *kicks the android onto ground and watches is at shuts down* that was fun, but I'm kinda hungry!


Kyabetsu: I might be a little craz- huh what's that I hear?

Frij: it sounds like some sort of crowd *looks behind him to see a big crowd of people rushing over to Kyabetsu to thank him

Towns people: YOU'RE OUR SAVIOUR!

*a few hours later*

Kyabetsu: ahhh, those people are finally gone, they really got on my nerves but they gave us some money!

Frij: how much?

Kyabetsu: altogether, probably about 3000

Frij: WHAT 3000! let me check *checks to see money* (in a startled voice) yep, definitely around 3000!

Discovery saga over!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2018 ⏰

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