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"Since you've tutored me a lot already, don't you want to know stuff about me?" Luke pestered as I picked out a different subject book to tutor.

I turned to look at him and sighed, "No."

He pouted and made a whining noise that annoyed me very much. Once I opened the textbook wide, he shut it immediately. A cheeky smile was placed on his face. This was obviously going to be a war that I will lose. Sighing, I rested my head on the table and looked at him.

"I know you don't want to now, so what about after school?" he suggested, a little hope in his eyes.

My eyes widened as I realised he was asking to hang out after school, something we don't do unless Calum has organised it. That was hardly ever. Plus, I already had plans today.

"I'd hate to, but I have other plans today.."

"Like what?"

"Connor was going to make me ride roller coasters with him today," I grumbled. I wasn't a fan of roller coasters and Connor knew that. But he'd always force me to get on one wether I like it or not. It was usually when I had bad days. He picks the worse days to push me onto a roller coaster.

"What, you don't like roller coasters?" his eyes lit up like a five year old receiving chocolate. I can tell he loves roller coasters, just a guess.

I shook my head and rested my eyes. The whole day I was tired and bored. This is just making me more bored. I reopened my eyes and found Luke looking at me innocently.

"Then.. just ditch the carnival and hang out with me, we can talk more and be best friends!" he exclaimed. We were so far in the back that the librarians couldn't hear us so we're fine.

"Wow, slow your boat there," I held out my hand as a stop sign. "Best friends? Are you okay?"

He rolled his eyes at me and glared at me. The pout made it look adorable, gotta admit. I sighed once again and opened up the chemistry book. He never really had a choice on to what to be tutored on because I never asked him. He doesn't even like to speak about tutoring during these sessions, but we had a lot done already. I'm just wishing his brain was working during them.

"Can we at least become friends if you ditch him? I'm probably much more interesting," he proudly said, joking in the process.

"I don't know man, you have got to be really interesting if you are more interesting than him," I fluttered my eyes as I was picking out papers from the table.

"I mean, like, I got glow sticks.." he muttered under his breath and then looked at me. "They're pretty cool and interesting instead of stupid roller coasters."

Shrugging and leaning back into the chair, Luke kept waiting for an answer from me. He kept saying to ditch him or don't go at all and hang with the more interesting guy.

I guess it'd be great if I didn't spend all my nights with Connor. It felt as if he was really clingy and it bothered me. Plus, there are other nights he could take me on roller coasters. I'll go, but maybe I will just ditch as suggested. But how? This was harder than I expected.

"So, are we not gonna study or?" Luke chuckled, probably focused on my thinking face.

I got a whole day to think of a plan, I'm pretty sure I'll be fine.


"Going to hang out with Connor for the eighth time in a row, heh?" Calum nudged my elbow as we walked side by side on the sidewalk.

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