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(Just because)

I watched her from afar as I sat on the rusty bench. As always, her dirty blonde hair intrigued me by how it was somehow different each and everyday I've seen her. Somehow, I've caught on to that. One part of me knows why and the other is blinded.

"It would be less obvious that you're thinking about her if you didn't stare at her all the time," Calum sat down next to me, his books on the other side of the bench.

Turning my head towards him, I rolled my eyes and then focused on the dirty school floors. My feet were planted on the floor as my hands were entwined together. I sighed deeply and chewed on my lip.

"I wasn't." I stated.

"Well, that's good then. Mainly because I have to tell you something," he said, patting my shoulder.

I nodded, telling him I was listening to whatever he has to say.

"I think you guys would be a great couple and all," he hesitantly spoke. "But in all honesty, please don't date my best friend. It's-"

Without thinking, I blurted out "why not?" After realising, I fixated myself. "I mean, I don't even like her like that.. I have a girlfriend dumbass."

He murmured a few words before standing up and grabbing his books. "Just don't. Listen to her best friend and listen to her best friend," I confusingly stared at him. "Me." I nodded slowly, but then shook my head.

"Calum, that's one of your problems," standing up as well, I said, "You accuse me of liking her when I don't. You also think I'm going to ask her out when I already have a girlfriend."

"It's not hard to dump someone's ass," he snapped his fingers. "Just don't, she's off-limits from now on."

He spun around and started walking away, as if he was queen of the bitches. I shook my head and muttered, "I'll tell you wants off-limits and what's not."

How is he going to tell me who to date and who to not? First of all, he wanted us together. He was encouraging us to get together. Secondly, he was even telling Stacy about how "I like her" or whatever. Now, all of a sudden, he just thinks it's okay to just tell us to stop what we are doing? We aren't even doing anything. I don't even think she considers us a friends.

Do I even consider us as friends?

We talk almost everyday. We laugh at each other, but we also get annoyed with each other. Or at least she gets annoyed of me all the time. Isn't that how friends act? If we were just acquaintances or less, we wouldn't talk as much or she wouldn't have ditched Connor for me.

Now that I think of it, did she really ditch Connor for me because she was tired of him? If she was tired of him, she wouldn't be so upset about him not communicating back.

She told me she stopped trying after he read her message and didn't reply. I felt terrible inside when she told me, but also relieved and happy. It felt as if a weight was lifted off my shoulders. It was her way of basically saying that she's moving on with her life.

Maybe I should do the same, maybe being in fear of Angie embarrassing me got to my head. She's cruel, but she wouldn't be that cruel. Would she?


"You're what?!" Angie shouted, stomping her heel on the messy school grounds.

We were outside, but in the school courtyard. There weren't much people here like in the hallways. It wasn't crowded and there were only a few other students. Besides, everybody would hear us in the hallway. Well, hear Angie.

The Tutor || Luke Hemmings (l.h)Where stories live. Discover now