Old home

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Jughead's POV:

I woke up to a beeping noise and a splitting head ache. I slowly open my eyes to see I'm in a hospital. Then everything that happened...the memories start flooding back. I look over to my side and see Betty in a chair right next to the bed with her head on my hand. I'm just glad she's okay. It seems the only way to keep her safe is to get rid of Penny and the ghoulies. God. Why is my life such a mess.

   My thoughts are interrupted when Betty starts go move her head a little to the side before lifting her head and looking at me.

   "Jug. Your awake!" She smiles up at me before continuing. "How do you feel? Are you okay? Does anything hurt" I laugh which causes her to stop rambling on.

   "I'm fine. I'll be okay." I answer back looking into her care taking eyes. Betty sits up from the chair and leans in to give me a kiss on my cheek.

   "I was so worried about you. You lost so much blood. You passed out before we got you to the truck-" I cut her off. There's something I need to know.

   "Where's Penny?" I question and she looks down at  her hand as she grasps mine.

   "A ghoulie came and picked her up off the ground. Me and Toni could have cared less about her...we were so worried about you and making sure you get to the hospital." She speaks to me slowly as a tear rolls down her cheek.


I was released from the hospital 3 hours later. Betty called Toni and had her come pick us up in the truck. I'm not allowed to walk on my leg or use my arm yet so for the time being I was on 1 crutch. Suddenly Toni pulls up to a trailer...the home of my childhood. But why?

"Toni why are we here?" I ask looking up at the place I once called home.

"Do you really think we were gonna let you walk all the way up those stairs just to get to your apartment?" Toni replies looking at me. "Betty already packed you a bag. It's in the back."

I look over at Betty and smile to her before pressing my lips against hers.

"Thank you", I tell her looking into her beautiful green eyes.

"No problem. Now let's get inside."


Filler chapter. I know it's a lot shorter then all of my other chapters but I have just not really known what to write about lately...

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