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"I don't know." she fessed up. Her ears drooped and I could tell she didn't want to talk about it."

"You can tell me anything Nana. I won't tell anyone else."

"Why should I tell you if it's about opening up? After all, it means showing the real me to everyone else when they've known me like this anime girl for so long!"

"Change is good."

"It can also affect trust and friendship. What if your friends were to suddenly change reveal that they had a mask on their entire life pretty much? Would you stop trusting them with things?"

"I would support their decision and be the same to them."

"What if they aren't accepting though? Katelyn is stubborn and used to me, Aphmau might understand, but I don't know about Travis, Dante, and all the others."

I pondered at this question for a while and looked at the clock. 11:43. Then it came to me.

"Why don't you talk to Aaron?"

"Aaron~Kun? How come?"

"Well think about it. Aaron had to hide the fact he was an Ultima for almost all of his life. He had to put on a mask and hide the real Aaron deep inside. Aphmau supported him and now we have all accepted him for who he is, and even though he didn't tell us, we trust him because he is our friend."

"That is true. Yea! I'll ask about it tomorrow, but do I have to tell him my real name?"

"It's up to you how much you want to shed. I'm not here to instruct you. It's your life and you can make your own choices."

"Alright!" her ears were back up and she had a perky smile on her face again; she then yawned.

"It's almost midnight. You get some rest, okay? Goodnight Nana."

"Night Zane!"

There was beep and I was back to my home screen. I repositioned myself under the covers and set my phone on my nightstand.

I hope that her conversation will go well tomorrow.



"So you wanted to talk about something?"

"Mhm! If that's okay..." I replied.

Aaron was sitting on the couch across from me in him and Aphmau's house. He looked at me with his dark eyes and a questioning look.

"Is something wrong Kawaii~Chan?"

"Well, yes. I wanted to ask you a question."

I paused, inhaled, then let it out.

"What was it like telling everyone who were an Ultima for the first time?"

I could tell he was shocked at my question. 

"Uh.. Kawaii~Chan?"


"Do you know what happened at the lodge almost two years back?"

"Yes, but I don't know a lot of details."

"Well, I didn't exactly tell them. The situation unfolded my secret itself and everyone saw. They were used to my bandana, they knew I wore it, but then, after finishing Ein, I came back; my ears and tail were out. I passed out and that's all I remember."


It wasn't the answer I was looking for however.

"Look at us though. Even though I was a monster, I thought I was, even though I was in danger, you, Aph and the others all came to save me from Micheal and my fate."

I gave him a fake smile after hearing this.

"Thank you for telling me Aaron. I just wanted to ask for something personal."

He raised an eyebrow then replied:

"I won't ask then if it's personal. You can keep it to yourself."

I nodded, got up and head for the door back to my house.


"Did you get the information you wanted?"

"Not exactly. His answer made sense, but I just didn't know the details to fully understand the process of your trust to him."

Zane put an arm around me and sighed through his mask.

"Kawaii~Chan, maybe you need to find that out for yourself."

"Huh? What do you mean Zane~Kun?" We were calling each other what other people heard since Garroth was in the house.

"I mean, maybe you should just tell the truth. They're your friends after all."

"I guess, but where do I start? Kawaii~Chan can't just suddenly go up to them and say 'Hey! Did you know I've been hiding myself for all my life and that Kawaii~Chan is my alter-ego?'"

"Then take it slow. Start by talking in first person, lower your voice, then they'll ask about the change, and you can explain it to them. That way, it won't be sudden."

"What if they ask why now?"

"When that part comes you'll have to tell them something. They might not even ask."

I nodded and leaned on his shoulder and sighed.

"This reminds me of when you tried to teach me to be mature."

"I remember that." he replied with a scowl.

I giggled and passed him a cupcake I had made yesterday.

"I think I'm going to go now Zane. Thanks for talking to me."

I gave him a quick peck on the cheek then stood up from the couch to grab my bag.

"Talk soon?"


And then I walked out the door.

Finding Nana (Zana/Zane~Chan)Where stories live. Discover now