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Undoing the flap I opened the envelope to find a lined sheet of paper and a little metal key. Grasping it in my sweaty palm I unfolded the letter and read it aloud while the others crowded around me.


I have the best of friends that I never deserved, and to think it all started with getting at accidental invitation to a sleepover.

I want to appreciate all of you for what you've done for me, from the little things to perhaps saving my life at Starlight. I feel so special to have you as a bunch to me and even though I may find it annoying that you don't trust that I can take care of it myself, I love you all even though sometimes I can get frustrated. I know however you may be wondering about the purpose of this letter, and that you may question the sudden secrecy, but all I am going to say is that I have left for you something to find, and a message behind what you think is madness.

Each letter is addressed to one of you. You cannot read to yourself unless it says so. If it is yours you may read it aloud to the group. One person cannot continue the hunt by themselves; it has to be all of you as a team, as a family.

To find the first clue, you need to look for somewhere that expresses me, and a place where I unfold my comforts. Good luck!


"A place that comforts her and expresses her?"

"Well maybe your house Katelyn? It's where you live and you guys decorated it. Maybe the next clue is somewhere in your house." Lucinda commented.

"Maybe. I really hope I don't have to go to the basement. Who knows what kind of shrines are down there." I rolled my eyes.

"What about her bedroom?" Aaron pointed out.

"That sounds like a good start." Kim agreed.

"Let's go then." I answered.


"I don't see anything. Do you?"

We were looking all over the place but so far we found nothing. Garroth and Zane were skimming through the bookshelves; Lucinda was using her magic to detect any hidden areas while Kim was rereading the letter. Meanwhile, Aaron and Aphmau were looking at the open window and rope at the bottom in the yard.

"She might've climbed out." she observed and Aaron nodded his head.

"What's this?" Dante pulled out a white binder that looked heavy and dropped it on her desk making a thudding noise.

"She never showed me this." I questioned. 

The title read Homemade Recipes.

"Is this her cookbook?" Travis asked.

I flipped through the pages to find lots of notes, dates, and measurements.

"It looks more like an experiment. She recorded her trial and errors, and highlighted what was successful. Then she drafted them into legit recipes."

Kim came over and started flipping as well, until she stopped on a page where a mirror was taped to a page.

"What is this?" she asked.

Travis took a look and then realized:

"Look! On the ceiling! There's something stuck on it!"

Sure enough thought the reflection we could see a slip of paper taped onto the ceiling. Aaron got up on a chair and was able to reach and read off what it said:


I immediately raced down after hearing this and opened up the dishwasher. I looked at the bottom rack and found a small jewelry box with a lock attached to the front.

Taking it out and plunking it onto the dining table, I took out the key from my pocket and inserted it into the lock. It fit perfectly.

Lifting the lid of the box there was an old looking torn sheet of paper, and an envelope that was addressed to-

"Aphmau." I read off.

"Huh?" she squeaked.

"The letter's for you babe." Aaron explained.

"Oh. Me first." I moved aside so she could look at the contents. She pulled out the torn paper and unfolded it to find something that looked very familiar.

"Wait, this is the sleepover invitation from my first year of high school! She kept it after all of these years..."

"It was how she met all of us in fact." Lucinda agreed.

Aphmau then opened the envelope and read out the letter, once again on a lined sheet of paper.


You have been an amazing friend to me. Understanding my problems and comforting me when things were down. You were that hand who reached out when I was drowning in my problems and self-doubt, and for that I have to thank you.

The next clue is simple. Go back to the binder and remove the mirror. It was covering a recipe. Make eight and send them to the address listed below. This was a client I had received.

I had given them the next letter and told them to give it to whoever delivers their order. You will deliver it Aphmau, and you will pass it to whoever it is addressed to.

The address is 23 Brookside Avenue, Phoenix Drop.

Never give up,


"So we have to bake something basically?"

"It seems so." Zane answered. "You are going to be the one to deliver it though." he gestured to Aphmau.

"She says this is simple. I wonder what challenging is considered..." Laurence muttered.

Dante came running back down the stairs, the binder open in his hands.

"Here it is."

Peeling off the mirror careful not to damage it I read the title:

Vanilla Eclairs with Strawberry Jam Filling and Mixed Berry Glaze

"Well, what are we waiting for!" I exclaimed.

"Let's get cooking!"

Finding Nana (Zana/Zane~Chan)Where stories live. Discover now