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Jayden's P.O.V

"I fucking hate hookers."

I mumbled to myself as I dragged the body of a lifeless hooker over the cold concrete floors of my basement. I tossed her body on top of an old, splintering table right next to the rat pissing in the coffee cup. I eyed her up momentarily, deciding what to do with the corpse. I traced my finger along her now cold, porcelain toned skin, while looking directly into her lifeless cloudy eyes. The bludgeoned hole I left in her skull continued bleeding still, slower now, each drop of blood vividly audible as it dropped to the floor in the dead silent room. A puddle of blood, now on the larger side continued to form. I leaned down closer to her ear, breathing heavily still, the adrenaline still coursing through my veins. The room was still dead silent for the most part, the only sound being her blood dripping onto the cold, hard, floor. After a few moments of this silence, I finally whispered into her ear,

"You have no idea what you got yourself into. I'm going to fuck you up, princess."

Slowly, I pulled away as the smirk on my face grew wider. I averted my eyes to the old, worn down tool shelf I built and looked it over, scanning for anything I saw of value in this moment. My tools of choice this time around became an axe which leaned against the shelf, and an X-Acto knife which laid on the second shelf all the way to the right at the very edge. The clicking of my shoes echoed against the fading, basement walls as I walked over. I ran my hand over the handle of the axe, examining all of the blood that previously stained the wood. It pained me to do so, but I couldn't help but examine it carefully, taking all of it in. It seemed to me I took it in a bit too much, because suddenly the room became silent, dead silent. The sound of the hooker's blood dripping down became inaudible, and instead a high pitched noise, almost the same pitch as a dog whistle, filled my head. It grew louder and louder until finally everything went black for a second and two thoughts filled my head.

Don't you remember what you did to Melanie, Jay?

I shook my head. Melanie was gone, and there was nothing else to it. I shoved the thoughts to the back of my head, and picked up the saw and the X-Acto knife. I threw the ax down, and I flipped out the blade of the knife. Gently, I ran my fingers over her stomach, almost caressing it. I pulled my left hand away, and with my right hand, I pressed the cold, sharp blade against her skin. Slowly, I applied more and more pressure until I heard a small popping sound.

The first layer of skin broke.

I thought to myself.

You can do this, Jayden. Stop resisting.
She's just a damn hooker, for fucks sake.

Exerting more force now, I pressed the blade into her skin until blood began to seep out of the wound as I carved my initials into her stomach.

J.M, and it stood for Jayden Malum. Soon to be the fucking king of this town.

This would be my mark. The root of all evil would lie in these initials. Tracing back to Latin decent, Malum translates to "evil", and that's exactly what I was. Evil. Cold-Blooded.

It was time to finish what I had started. I set the X-Acto knife down on the table, and picked up the ax. The ax was heavy, and I found lifting it over my head quite difficult. When I finally got it over my head, I took a deep breath, and swung the axe down, releasing as much force as possible onto her neck. Blood splattered almost everywhere, and I was covered. Her face appeared almost more lifeless than it had before as her head slowly rolled to the left and off the table. As her head hit the ground, a loud, booming echo sounded throughout the room, and I had decided my job was done.

I walked over to a small cabinet which remained hidden and concealed under an old pool tarp. Carefully, I pulled back the tarp and opened the cupboard doors to reveal a large variety of cleaning supplies. I pulled out rubber gloves, a sponge, trash bags, and bleach. First, I disposed of the hookers head and body into two separate trash bags, and would have them sent to two separate locations later which were yet to be determined. The bags were tossed into the corner, and my only concern now was cleaning up the mess. As soon as I was about to put on my gloves, I received a call.


My twin brother, Brayden.

Brayden has always been the alibi.

But why was he calling now?

He knows he's supposed to remain as close to off the radar as possible until notified by me that the job is complete.

Something had to be wrong.

Hesitantly, I answered the call.

BRAYDEN MALUM (ONGOING CALL): Jayden, we got a problem out here.


I thought to myself. I knew that if Brayden said there was a problem, then we must be in some pretty deep shit.

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