"Sup, I'm Roux"

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- Sienna's Outfit (Uniform)

"Come, on we'll show you the turret" I hear Lizzie outside the chemistry of magic classroom "It's where the seniors go to smoke" she finishes

"What do they smoke? Eye of newt?" He asks, I liked this kid

"Weed" I say walking around the corner smiling. "It was founded by yours truly"

"Rafael, this is Sienna LeRoux, she's a werewolf like you" Josie says, he shakes my hand

"Please, everyone calls me Roux" I say. I looked at the twins. "Off to the holyland we go" Say leading them to the turret.

As much as Lizzie was a gossiper I didn't dislike her, she was a good person, she just needed someone that was stable in her life, that wasn't her sister. Which brings me to Josie or JoJo, she's my ex and we ended on good terms. I say that because they don't despise me like they do Penelope, Josie's other ex.

Me and Josie worked well together for about 10 months then things started to get rocky, she started saying i was being too secretive and that I wasn't there when she needed me which I admit was true, things got way too heavy too fast and we called it off, we didn't hold grudges which is one of the reasons I love the girl... she gets it, she knows what buttons not to press with me. something Hope was still learning to do.


We walked across the sports field where the juniors were having a game of Wickery. The girls were telling were telling Rafael about the game and that quiditch is "an elusive pipe dream".

I thought the game was cool, to watch that is. It was a sport for everyone, witches, vampires and werewolves. I had to give it to the school they were good at including everyone.

We walked to the bleachers and me and Josie went to sit by MG, my only vampire friend. He was tall, kind of scrawny, and had a heart of gold. He is one of the good guys in this school.

"Hey" he said with a smile plastered on his face

"Sup MG" I say sitting next to him

"Hey" Josie says

For some reason today I just couldn't concentrate my eyes were traveling all over the place, I couldn't sit still and I found myself getting bored easily.

I look over to the other bleachers and see Lizzie looking super awkward, which was wierd. Then Rafael got up and just walked away, an angry look on his face. I decided to follow him.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna go I'll catch up with you after 'history of Lycanthropy'?" I say

"Sure see you later man" MG says as he fistbumps me

In this school the creature you are, depicts the subjects you have.
For witches it's all about learning spells and harnessing magic.
For Vampires it's about controlling your impulses and methods of coping.

And for werewolves it's mostly gym and meditation along with some pack mentality crap.

But everyone has to learn about their origins. Wether we like it or not.

I followed Rafael across the field and into the main building, we walked for a few minutes before he sat down in a chair with his head in his hands.

"Hey." I say calmly "You alright?" I take the seat next to him

"Yeah, but I have just been called 'damaged' by someone I met a half hour ago sooooo..."

"Ouch, Lizzie has a habit of getting flustered around hot guys"

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