Therapy, I love Therapy

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"ARE. YOU. KIDDING. ME?" I screamed at MG "I'm going to kill that smug bitch."

"I know, I Know, i wish it never happened... could you please help me?"

I sighed "... Fine, but only for Jo." I say "We'll talk about this tomorrow, now get out of my room before i change my mind."


About an hour had gone by, i was sitting on my bed with my head in my hands, trying to calm myself down, when the door was flung open revealing a frantic Hope.

"Is the old shakespeare book under your bed still?" She asked quickly.

"uh gee, Good evening Sienna how ya doin', 'not so bad Hope, how are you?'" I say showing hope how the converstation should have went.

"I know, I promise we'll talk later but, do you know that Knife that's in the memorial library?"

"Uh huh." I say narrowing my eyes at her.

"Well last night, it was stolen"

"What do you mean it was stolen?" I stood from the bed.

"I mean Landon took the knife and now I need to find him." She said dragging her hands through her hair

"Landon?" I laughed "you mean, milkshake making, band t-shirt wearing Landon? He stole a mysterious supernatural knife?" I say, hope was practically on the verge of tears.

"Hey, come here" I say pulling her into a hug allowing her to cry over my shoulder. "Shhhh"

"How could I be so stupid?" She cried.

"Hey, don't talk about yourself like that okay... you're far from stupid."

"You have to say that your my best friend." She says still crying.

"I may your best friend Hope Andrea Mikealson, but you know for a fact I would kick your ass if I needed to." I say earning a smile and a small nod. "Now go and find yourself that spell and track this indie kleptomaniac down." I used my two thumbs to wipe the dripping mascara from underneath her eyes.


"Sienna, Nice of you to actually attend one of our sessions." Emma, the school councellor/ go to witch, says sarcastically as i drape myself across her couch dramatically.

"Yeah, well, i have a lot on my plate." I mumble. "For example, I have Penelope *constant diva mode* Park wanting to be all hot and heavy, I have a pack that is literally a pre-pubescent frat house, a best friend who decides that this new Landon kid is the best way to spend her time, and to top it all off, i have to deal with an ex-girlfriend who is freaking out about her other ex-girlfriend, who just so happens to be diva pants herself, kissing one of her bff's" I finish, feeling exhausted and slightly lightheaded.

"...Okay... to be honest i was thinking this meeting was about something else entirely." Emma said, her british accent practically begging me to pour my heart out. "Perhaps a certain date that is looming." she said with a simpathetic smile.

I looked out of the window, avoiding the point she was clearly pressing at.

"Sienna, you have been at this school since you were 10, That's seven years. I have been your councellor for those seven years. I know the type of person you are, you're the type that comes to me when you feel like your drowning."

"Look, I'm fine, all i needed to do was rant about the typical drama, and now i'm leaving." I say picking up my jacket.

"I also know that you only come to your sessions between May and July, I think you and I both know why." She looks at me with her dark brown eyes. "The day your brother died, June 27th."

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