Christmas One Shots - Prologue

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  Christmas; A time of joy and happiness. Festive cheer is heard all around.

But, not for (Name). No, the poor girl was left all alone this Christmas.

Why? Because (Name) decided too late to drive home for the Holidays. And in doing so a massive snowstorm blocked her path, making it practically impossible to get home or even go back to her own home.

She was stuck in the middle of God-knows-where with no family and barely any battery left on her phone.

"Dammit, I knew I should've brought my car charger." (Name) mentally cursed at herself for her incompetence.

She drove slowly on the highway, the lights of her car bright to warn anyone that she was there. The snow was so thick she feared she'd never see the sign for a nearby exit. Her windshield wipers flew rapidly, removing the harsh snow from the girls' windshield. Yet she feared it still wouldn't be enough to see through and spot an exit.

(Name) could no longer tell where she was, and that probably frightened her the most.

The girl sighed in content as she saw a green "EXIT" sign on the side of the road. She spotted the sign of a small 24-hour diner and grinned in satisfaction. Driving towards it she noticed the empty parking lot with one, maybe two, cars around. She quickly parked and rushed inside. (Name) felt her skin instantly warm up when she came in contact with the hot air inside the friendly diner. "Hi there." She said, her cheeks flushed bright red from the cold.

"Merry Christmas hon." The middle-aged woman said from behind the counter. The woman was around her 40's and looked happy that someone had walked in to join her.

Some older men decorated the back of the diner. Most by themselves, sipping coffee and staring out the windows, probably reminiscing on other Christmas memories.

(Name) took a shaky breath and walked towards the breakfast bar, plopping herself down on a warm stool.

The waitress took the liberty of pouring the young girl a cup of coffee, (Name) was extremely grateful.

"What're you doin out here sweetheart?" Judy was her name, said.

"It's sorta a long story." (Name) replied hesitantly.

Before another word, someone abruptly walked in. (Name) turned around to see---  

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