Christmas One Shots - 2p!Germany/Lutz

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  Before another word, someone abruptly walked in. (Name) turned around to see---

Vibrant amethyst eyes bore into her own (e/c) orbs. (Name) tried to pull away from his trance, but she couldn't. His gaze was enticing, bewitching even. His lips curled up in a smirk and (Name) felt a bolt of electricity through her body.

Damn. He's hot.

Her cheeks weren't pink from the cold anymore, that's for sure. They stayed glued to each other whilst he walked in, dusted the snow off his shoulders, and took a seat right next to the flushed faced girl. His brown overcoat draped over the sitting stool, dripping an occasional drop. Finding the strength to look away, (Name) focused on her cup of coffee, regretting her obvious staring. But she couldn't help herself. He was so rugged and handsome; his jawline was sharp with bits of noticeable stubble. His brows were arched and fierce, unlike most men. He had pale skin which made the violet orbs he had more mesmerizing. But most of all, there was a scar across his left cheekbone. It looked mysterious and eerie, but definitely in a hot way.

(Name) found herself speechless, which was rare for a woman of her kind. She'd just never seen anyone quite as peculiar, nor handsome.

"Coffee sweet cheeks?" Judy voiced, erupting (Name) out of her thoughts.

The stranger nodded and thanked her. (Name) noticed his foreign tongue.

Her heart began to beat rapidly as she tapped her fingers on the counter impatiently, hoping the clicking sound would calm her down.

(Name) peered over her shoulder and took a look to the outside, her lips curving down into a frown. It was pouring. Thick puffs of pure white fell from the sky in masses, making it merely impossible to even see her car. Sighing, she thought fan-fricken-tastic. (Name) turned back around and gazed longingly into her creamy coffee.

"Not a fan of the snow?" Said the stranger to her side, his deep voice bouncing off the walls. His foreign accent completely threw her off, not because she couldn't understand him, but because it was so deeply intoxicating. She wanted more of it.

"Fan of snow; not a fan of snowstorms." She said with the gentle curve of her lips. Her eyes glimmered with curiosity and hunger from the stranger, wishing she could consume every inch of him.

The chuckle that came out of him was deep, chesty even, it made the table vibrate along with (Name)'s cup. "You?"

He nodded, "Same."

His voice was like a siren's in old times, luring her in until it got her in arms reach, and finally pulling her down into the deep dark pit that was his gorgeous accent.

"So what brings you here?" (Name) said with a bout of confidence, her cold fingers wrapped around her steaming cuppa.

The stranger ran his calloused hand in his pale blonde locks, closed his eyes, then replied with a deadly smile. "No good reason, just passing by."

(Name) raised a brow, "No plans on good ol' Crimbo?"

It was the stranger's turn to lift a brow now. "Crimbo?"

(Name) giggled to herself, excusing her miss-usage of the word Christmas. "Sorry, I mean Christmas."

The stranger chuckled again, deep vibrations that coursed through (Name)'s bones. "No, no special plans on Crimbo."

"Really? That's strange, no family reunion? No girlfriend waiting impatiently for your return?" (Name) meant to cross the barrier, she was interested and wasn't going to back down now.

The stranger eyed her, amethyst scanning all over her seductively. He was staring so intensely she almost felt uncomfortable. "No, no reunion." He paused, earning her attention. "And no girlfriend."

Why did (Name)'s heart skip a beat when he said those words? She turned away as the grin on her lips grew.

"What about you?" He questioned back, signaling to her he was eager as well to start the conversation.

"Reunion, yes. Boyfriend, no." She replied with a hint of playfulness on her tongue.

With a sudden halt, (Name) turned her chair in the stranger's direction, holding out her open palm to shake. "(Name)."

The stranger kept a smirk glued on his lips and grabbed her petite hand into his, shaking her's lightly. "Lutz."


They immediately hit it off after that. They made light and hearty conversation about their lives, relationships, and how horrible online dating is.

(Name)'s lips were dry. This signaled her that something was terribly wrong. She immediately swung her head around her, peering to the outside. Expecting disappointment but surprised, (Name) released an unwarranted gasp.

"The snow, it's gone." She said breathlessly.

Lutz mimicked her actions and peered over his shoulder. She was right. It had indeed cleared up. This showed that their brief meeting would be brought to an end. But not so quickly if he had any say in it. Without hesitation Lutz reached for (Name)'s phone which rested silently on the diner counter, he swiped the phone surprised there was no lock and dialed his number into the contacts. (Name) watched as he did so, both eyes and cheeks bright.

"Can't get rid of me that easily." he murmured under his breath. Cue (Name)'s lighthearted giggles. Damn, his heart skipped a beat at that sound.

Lutz wasn't sure about (Name) but he did know he wanted more of her, and more of her would he get.

When Lutz handed (Name) back her phone she openly gasped at the time. She gave a nervous smile and picked up her things.

"I guess its time our paths separate huh?" she said reluctantly. (Name) swirled her scarf around her neck and placed her fingerless gloves on, grumpily doing so. She grabbed a peach chapstick from inside her purse and rubbed it against her swollen lips. She was now ready to venture out to the cold. Lutz hesitantly stood up, he knew he had to leave as well, he was awfully late to something and if he was anymore late he'd never hear the end of it from Luci. Although both Luciano and Kuro would be extremely petty about it.

(Name) stood up, signed her receipt to Judy with a smiley face and reindeer(also leaving a hefty Christmas tip), and began walking towards the door. Lutz followed quietly behind, he began to wonder if he'd ever see this work of art again.

Wasting no more time the two of them stood in front of the diner door, both already saddled up for the freezing weather to haunt them outside. (Name) coughed awkwardly, refusing to meet Lutz's gaze, it was too intense; full of longing, lust, and sorrow. Without a moment's waste, he leaned down and crashed his lips into hers. Not the least bit surprised (Name) smiled into the kiss and moved forward, giving into it. It was passionate and messy, hands moving, lips dancing. He growled into her, making her shudder with delight. There was no way she wasn't gonna call him now. But as soon as it started it finished, the passionate pleasure was gone. It left them both flustered and warm, now truly ready to combat the cold.

"I'll see ya?" (Name) said, trying to compose herself, jingling her keys in her palm.

With a deadly smirk and ginger touch of her cheek, he replied, "You will."  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2018 ⏰

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