Christmas One Shots - 2p!Italy/Luciano

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Before another word, someone abruptly walked in. (Name) turned around to see---

Magenta orbs bore into her. The stranger had tan skin that matched with his dark auburn locks, a strange curl sprouting out from the side of auburn. He wore a dark trench coat with matching black dress shoes. She guessed underneath the heavy coat was a suit. Everything about him screamed class but something about his face screamed danger. He looked enraged.

She quickly turned back to her cup of coffee, the brown liquid the most important thing to her at the moment. Even Judy seemed cautious to approach the furious stranger. The man took a seat at the far side of the breakfast bar glancing at the girl for a moment then grabbing his phone out. He stared at the dark screen then placed it down.

"Coffee sweet cheeks?" Judy said, grabbing the coffee pot.

The grumpy man nodded and sighed. He began undoing the buttons to his coat, revealing his dark gray suit. Removing his leather winter gloves he grasped the cup of coffee that was placed in front of him. He brought the cup to his lips, closing his eyes as he sniffed the substance then drank slowly. (Name) couldn't help but keep glancing at this beautiful stranger, he was so distracting. He had a certain aura around him, one that she couldn't stay away from. He glanced around him, noticing the girls stare.

(Name) jolted in fear, squeaking an apology as quickly as she could. "I'm so sorry, I just, I uh-" she had no excuse. She was simply checking him out and he caught her doing so. The stranger simply chuckled. "It's fine." She noticed an accent in his words. Which shouldn't have surprised her, since he did look like a hot foreigner. Her cheeks were dusted a bright pink, clearly showing her embarrassment.

"Y'all want anything else?" Judy said, pen and paper ready at her fingertips. Both of them shook their heads, content with the hot drinks in their hands. "Okay, coffee's on the house today, Merry Christmas." The woman smiled sweetly while placing the pen and paper down. (Name) nodded in thanks, smiling back.

"So, where ya from?" (Name) mustered up her courage to ask the stranger.

"Born or live?" He retorted back quickly, a brow raised.

"Both." (Name) took a swig of the hot caffeine, hoping it would do something for her confidence.

The man smirked in content, the (h/c) haired girl amusing him. "Born; Venice, Italy. Live; Florence, Italy."

The girl's eyes widened fully with curiosity, sparks of interest growing within her.

"That's really cool." Her voice spewed with excitement. Then, her brows furrowed. "What are doing here then?"

"Business meeting." He said, swirling to the outside crossing one leg over the other and motioning to his formal suit.

(Name) gasped and placed a hand on her heart, "On Christmas?!"

He shrugged. "Not much I can do, work is work."

"But Christmas!!" She practically shouted. He shrugged again.

"What about you? What're you doing here?" He said "here" like it was a disease.

The girl chuckled lightly, "I was driving to my parent's house."

He simply nodded.

"Name's (Name)." She said with an outstretched hand to the stranger.

"Luciano." He replied, shaking her hand lightly.

They kept talking afterward. Luciano's job, (Name)'s home, his career, her university, what she was studying. Essentially everything. He seemed rude on the outside but after talking with him for a while she realized there was a whole lot more to him.

(Name) excused herself to the bathroom for a moment. With her gone, Luciano had no idea what to do. Magenta orbs scanned the room, the waitress had sat behind the counter speaking with the chef in the kitchen through an open slot that was used to pass the food out. He noticed some older men dressing the edge of the diner, some older couples sitting there as well. His eyes fell to his right, then he saw it.

(Name) came back a bit flustered, embarrassed for excusing herself to go to the bathroom. Then she saw him. He had taken the trench coat off and took his suit jacket off as well, his dress shirt a soft shade of grey. He stood next to an old jukebox, eyes glued onto the screen. He noticed her presence but didn't seem to move, determined to find the perfect song. Then his eyes sparkled with wonder.

The speakers of the diner filled with the soft, slow, song of Frank Sinatra's "I'll be home for Christmas."

With an outstretched arm, he motions her to come towards him; To dance with him.

At first, she was shocked, unsure of whether or not to dance with him. Then she saw his eyes, full of mystery and something else, something other than interest. Something she couldn't describe, nor wanted to because it was only for her. Completely and utterly, hers.

She took the leap. She walked towards him and grasped his hand, the other resting on his shoulder. One of his went gently to her waist while the other held her hand tightly.

They swayed slowly to the music, her eyes glued to his for a few moments. Then she shifted and stepped closer, her head resting on his chest. She could hear his steady heartbeat, his chest rising up and down. He smelled of expensive perfume and a tang of metal. Strange, but extremely attractive.

She was warm; Her skin was so warm in his hand. She smelt of vanilla and coffee beans, the scent intoxicating him. Making him want her more and more. Her breath was hot, hitched even, matching his steady breathing.

With a swift move, he dipped her, right under the mistletoe that smooth son of a biscuit. She scoffed as she realized his perfect plan to get her under the mistletoe. That sneaky rascal.

And Kiss

There was something magical about that kiss. Sparks flew, penguins could fly, lions could sing. Hell, panda's could be striped! The kiss was just that magical.

She held her breath the whole time. She never wanted it to end, she couldn't get enough of this strange Italian that fell into her life. This man that could change everything.

She was soft. That's all he could remember; her being sweet and soft. Two words that walked hand and hand together. He definitely didn't want this to be the last time he saw this gorgeous woman in his life. Nor the last time he gets to kiss her.

They broke from the kiss that felt like a million years. A couple of cheers heard throughout the diner wrung in the air whilst the couple broke away.

The snow had calmed down and (Name) could begin driving again. But something inside her didn't want to move at all. She wanted to stay in that moment forever, reliving the moment they danced and kissed. That moment of pure bliss.

Well, let's just say, when the next year came your parents really liked your hot Italian boyfriend.

1P/2P Hetalia Holiday One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now