Christmas One Shots - 2p!Canada/Matt

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Before another word, someone abruptly walked in. (Name) turned around to see---

Violet. Harsh violet orbs bore into her. She could've turned away, but she didn't. There was something, about them, something eerie and mysterious. Yet something else, and she wanted to find out.

A tall man walked inside, his dirty blonde hair was damp from the snow. He had a red flannel underneath a heavy weather coat, with matching winter boots. A scorn harshly knit his features; He clearly didn't have the Christmas joy within him. The man sat across from the girl, slouching down in his seat. Judy poured a cup of coffee for the stranger, to which he took gratefully. Grumbling, he removed the heavy coat, showing his red and black checkered flannel. Whilst grumbling he rolled up the sleeves of said flannel, exposing bare muscular arm. The girl's eyes grew wide at the sight of it, not just because of his huge biceps but the large scars that dented his skin. She didn't mean to gasp, it just escaped from her lips on accident. He snapped quickly at the girl sitting away from him, eyes glaring into her. He scanned her for a moment, the hellish glare from those harsh violet orbs ceasing.

"Bear." He said. His rough voice echoing throughout the walls.

Eyes still wide, she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. He clearly saw her confusion and cleared it up, "I was helping it out of a bear trap."

(Name) blinked many times. Shock fully showed through her expression. "Oh."

"What'll y'all have?" Judy said from behind the counter, paper and pen ready.

"Pancakes," the two said in unison. They turned to each other and locked eyes for a moment, (Name) began chuckling a bit but the cold stranger did not. He stayed dead as a stone, but something about his expression softened.

"So, what are you doing out here?" (Name) didn't seem moved by the scary man. Sure at first he frightened her, but he was just too interesting to ignore.

The man took a long sigh, wondering whether or not to reply to the nosy girl.

"Isn't it obvious? I got stuck in the storm." He said pointing to the snow covered window.

"Well yeah, but where were you going before?" She said completely ignoring the fact that she was being extremely nosy in a stranger's life.

"What are you? A cop?" He said sarcastically. (Name) chuckled, "Maybe." The girl smiled, pushing a loose strand behind her ear. Her long lashes displayed her bright eyes, they matched her complexion completely. The hot drink moistened her lips making them look luscious and tempting.

"Well, I was driving to my parents' house." She admitted. Even though it still looked like he didn't want to talk. He looked at her with disgust for a moment, "People still do that?"

Seeing the expression on such a serious face humored (Name), she couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes, they do." She said with a hearty chuckle. "I'm (Name) by the way, thanks for asking." Her words oozed with sarcasm.

He grumbled again. "Matt." His voice was gruff and somewhat monotone but (Name) didn't mind, actually, she sorta liked it.

"And I'm guessing that's short for Matthew?" She questioned. Her wonder for the stranger growing by the second.

"Matthieu." He corrected.

"Oo-oh." She sat in awe from the foreign name. "That sounds French, so you're from-"

"Canada." He corrected again.

"Aa-ah." She awed the foreigner.

Matt sighed. He was getting a tad irritated by this woman.

1P/2P Hetalia Holiday One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now