no. 1

815 34 0

We were happy.
Or at least I was happy.
The day you confessed to me
was the best day of my life.
Your exacts words were:

"Lalisa, you are the sunshine
in my life.Without you there
would be no purpose for
me to live. I can't bear the
thought of you being someone
else's. So, would you allow me
to claim you as mine?"

I remember chuckling a bit
at you, telling you that I was
an 'independent woman' who
would never let anyone claim
me. Nevertheless I agreed to
becoming your girlfriend,
because I loved you.

However, only now do I realize
that on that day, despite me telling
you that I loved you, you never
said it back. You only nodded your
head, mumbling an 'I know' and
changed the topic. I guess
I just thought you weren't ready.
But even now, 2 years later, are
you still not ready?

Do you even love me?

Out of love for me| liskookWhere stories live. Discover now