no. 2

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January 2nd was our anniversary.
I decided to leave work early that
day and try out what I learned
from my cooking class and
cook you a special meal. After all,
to me this day was special.
I prepared everything we could
possibly need. From the candles, the
petals, the nice bed sheets, the
food, wine, a bath, the music
and even deciding to
wear your favorite set of
lingerie. I hated those things, but since
today was special, and you were
working so hard at work, I wanted to
surpise you and help you relax.

I waited as patient as I could for you.
You told me you would be home at
6:00, but the time went by until it was
already 8:00 and the food was cold. I
texted you, worried, asking where
you were and if your were alright.
It took you ten minutes later to respond,
with a simple response saying "I'm coming
home late tonight. Sorry."

I thought something had come up at
work and that you were stressed, so
I tried to understand. I put the food
away, telling myself at least we'll have
breakfast tommorow. I wait on the couch,
doing whatever I could to stay awake. I
wanted to be there for you when you
come home. I guess I didn't realize that
I fell asleep.

You woke me up when you arrived,
asked me why I was sleeping there.
I told you I was waiting for you. For
a second you had a sorry look on your
face. You took me from the couch and
took me to our room, where you laid me
gently on our bed. You saw how
uncomfortable I was, as I was still in my
dress, and helped me unzip it, until it
revealed to you the surprise I was wearing.

You kissed my neck, gently and somewhat
lovingly, at least that's what I liked to believe.
You whispered to my ear "Sorry 'bout not
making it in time for our dinner. Let me
make it up to you" as you trailed the kisses
further down, you now laying on top of me.
You kissed me, full of lust, and I remember
kissing back just as hungrily. However, as I
helped you take off your coat and shirt,
I smelled something strong. It couldn't be
me because I use a strawberry scent,
and this scent seemed to smell like grape,
no, wine.

That night I didn't pay much attention to
it as I was too caught up in our business.
But now, looking back, I'm beginning to
wonder, were you really caught up in
something? Or were you with someone

Jungkook, who were you with?

Out of love for me| liskookWhere stories live. Discover now