First Day

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Aria was a bit scared but she knew she had nothing to be afraid of. That day in her dorm she met the girls who she will be living with. One girl was so pretty Aria was jealous boys probably want her. She then met this girl her who had pretty, dark black hair with blue tips.

She went to walk around and bumped into this boy who hid his face and kept a low profile. All she knew was that he wears black oversized clothes. Aria thought it was pretty rude but she didnt bother with him anymore. She thought how crazy it is to be living in the same place with boys and girls she never thought that could happen but here she was. The school was probably crazy for doing that but oh well.

She then found out that the whole school was going to throw a party as they always do every new school year. She went back to her dorm and asked the girls if they were going to go.

They said they were so they got ready and were ready to party on. Aria was planning on staying close the those friends but on a matter of seconds she lost them and she had no one to be with so she just decided to hangout by herself and observe. She later saw that same dude she had seen that would wear oversized shirts and hoodie.

Aria then went over to talk to him since she was curious about him and wanted to get to know more about him.

So author here and I decided that I will try to upload more :D and also continuing this story
Thank you for reading if anyone reads this.

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