I'm sorry. It came out wrong

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Hi. This is gonna be a vent chapter. What the fuck.

Jeremy's pov:

*end of the school day ~3:10 pm at this point*

"Can I ask you about something?" Michael said to me. Though I couldn't hear the concern behind his voice. It's officially been a month since him and I got together and it's made my days so much better. I blindly agreed and he walked over to one of the planters and sat on top of it. He looked so out of it, but I thought nothing of it. Mistake.

"Is this making you happy?" He asked me in a low voice. I felt my stomach sink.


"Yeah. Sorta, a little. I've just been so used to being on my own I guess." I didnt say anything. Even though weve only been together for a month, I still cared a lot about our relationship. Maybe I got attached too quickly. But fuck. Bracing for a break I continued after the air was filled with some awkward silence for a solid 30 seconds.


"I dont know...I know you see it as a boyfriend to boyfriend kind of relationship. But I honestly see it as more of a best friend relationship." I tried to hold back showing the amount of pain I had inside. That felt like a shot to the heart. I actually care about one of my partners and I'm not using them for some sort of void filler after my mom left...It hurt and I think our mutual friend, Rich, noticed how the air had become awkward.

"Hey. Jeremy. Come on!" He yelled for me. I looked at Mcihael, the hurt and the realization of what he said was on his face. He gave me one last hug, full of hurt, before I began on my way to Rich. Rich had me grab my bag and told me he was going to walk me out today. Usually Mcihael would do that. But I was just to hurt to put up a fight. I looked at Michael once more and noticed his hurt expression and he noticed mine. Then Rich tapped my shoulder for me to go.

"Hey, you ok?"he said as we got to the stairs of the lower half of the quad." (A/N:I'm basing this in my school. And basically. we have 2 halves of the quad. Cause the ground is elevated. The lower have is still outaide but it's just lower than the upper half. By like 3 ish feet. Idk why.)I kinda shrugged at first. And Rich asked me what happened.

"Michael kinda sees us as besties. And here I was thinking he was my boyfriend. It just hurts knowing that  and it seems like everything he previously said was a lie. Like I never made him happy. Like all the times he happily announced we were dating was just a lie to keep me happy. Has this month not meant anything to him?? What if he doesnt like me? What if I pressured him into this??"  Rich patted my shoulder.

"Trust me. I dont know why he said that. But you have made him happy. None of this is on you. and if anyone pressured him into this it was me and the other guys. I'll talk to him about it. Go home, relax." I thanked him and continued on my way home.

The walk home was no better. It was filled with Rich and I texting. But I never dare to text Michael. Rich assured me that Michael was for sure going to try to make up for it. But I dont know. What could he do? What if it's just a lie and he's only doing this to make me feel better.

Just a few hours before all had been better. Now my world had been spun out of control and was off it's axis.

Once I reached home. I just slept. I had nothing other to do than sleep and eat my problems away. My friends tried to make me feel better. But there wasnt much they could do.

Till Michael makes up for it. I dont know what I'll do...

End for now  :) yay. Love that the guy who I thought I was dating pulled this card on me. Fuck my life.

Boyf Riends forever on level nine ♡Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora