First Kiss

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A/N: yeah I kinda died. But I was focused on band and my boyfriend for weeks and honestly just forgot about the app. But I'm here. And here to describe our first kiss through Michael and Jeremy because I love thinking about it. Sksksk. Also. Since I'm a white girl and Jeremy is a white boy. I'm Jeremy. And my bf has similar skin tones to Michael. So he's gonna be Michael lmfao. Just trying to make it realistic fiction.

Jeremy's pov:

It was a cold and rainy day today. It wasn't the first rainy day of the week. And was the last for this week. Maybe today would be a better day, today was absolutely shit for no reason. And 7th period couldnt go by fast enough could it. God I just want the fucking bell to ring so I can go cuddle Michael. That always makes my day feel better ya know. Whatever. I still gotta do this shitty work. It's so fucking stupid when the fuck am I gonna use this shit....
Well. Actually I might. More than math at least. Whatever. It's still shit.

After another 30 minutes the bell finally rang. Kids quickly shuffled out of the classroom and into the halls were they made their way into the rain filled quad area. I noticed Michael waiting for me so I happily skipped over to him and took his hand. At this point people were used to seeing us dating and stopped giving a fuck.

"Hiiiii" I said cheerfully. He gets shy and nervous whenever I call him baby in public, so I just don't. I understand his wishes and stick to them mostly.

"Hello. Are you feeling better?"

"Well. I'm with you so theres that," by this point we'd reached the outside in the rain, so I quickly opened my umbrella and put it over the two of us. It was fairly small so we had to cuddle to even get half of our two bodies under it. I was just happy we got to cuddle. "And I mean. I feel better with you in no time."

"Hmmmmmm. Okayyyyy. Let's go cuddle by the band room. Let me get my sax while I'm at it." I nodded and giggled a little. We both played the same instrument but met when I was in percussion. If anything ever happens between us I can always just leave the tenor section. (A/N: at my school we have 3 female sax players. An alto. Me (tenor), and a bari. So each sax family has one girl in it for us. uwu) 

"Okieeee." We walked to the band room and picked up a friend along the way. Eli was a pretty cool dude. Tall as fuck though. About 6'5. And very slim which made him even more scary.

We all made small talk before arriving st the band room. Michael held the door for me as I thanked him and stepped in. I followed him into the horn room where he grabbed his sax and walked back out. This time I held the door for him.

He set it down and grabbed my into a bug hug. It made me laugh as he often tried to sling me around like a rag doll, softly, just to make me fall for me to catch him. I laughed and hearing him laugh made my heart race even faster. It was our two month anniversary on top of that. I wish we could add in kissing, but he doesnt really like that. So I avoid to most times. Sometimes giving him a small kiss on the shoulder, cheek, or forehead, to calm him down. But I apologize when I do it too often. He usually says it's fine and that he doesnt care but I feel like he does. I wish I could just kiss him on the lips. But I need to wait for that. I need to wait until he was ready.

He say down on the floor and I followed, sitting to his right. I leaned towards him and he grabbed his arm around my neck. It made me feel safe almost? If that makes anyways. Just his touch makes me feel relaxed and safe. I know I can really rely on him for almost everything under the sun.

We had a bit of pointless chit chat where I flipped him off and giggled at how I had now been put in the position of my legs over his that were criss cross. And my back laying entirely on the floor. He makes me feel happy and nothing less. Gosh he's adorable.

Eventually his mom, who hates me haha, came to pick him up since his car is in the shops. And I requested one final hug. Upon letting go I went to kiss his cheek. But instead was met with his large, soft lips. My stomach churned and I felt my cheeks go pink as he told me to text him later and goodbye. I waved by in return and thought of what just happened. It was one of the best feelings in my life. A pretty boy just kissed me. Fuck. I actually like someone who just kissed me. Like wild.

Eventually we were texting and I said he accidentally kissed my lips. And Michael with all his smoothness said "oh that. That was no accident" I started texting my friends excitedly showing them screenshots about what he said and describing the best feeling I've had in my life.

I sighed to myself and though about the wonderful thing that just happened. A beautiful boy just kissed me on the lips. And then told me it wasnt a mistake. And here I was thinking it was.

What an amazing anniversary. An anniversary with someone who I actually like and I'm not using for the feeling of being with someone. Maybe today wasnt so bad after all.

Maybe I ever thought how bad it is. Haha

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