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Normally on the weekends I slept past noon but after last night I couldn't sleep. Every creak I heard I thought could be the hobbit door opening to- what had he called it? HelmsGaurd. God that place was beautiful and there was a ball. Normally that wasn't my thing but the thought of having Gideons arms around me... That was pretty fucking hot. There was something about him that drew him to me. Maybe it was how much he cared for his family or that he understood what it was like to go through shit. Or maybe it was the strength he radiated. I really didn't know but I did know that I had to go to that ball. I wondered if I could convince the others to go as well. I could hear footsteps in the living room someone else was up. It wasn't Bronwen I could hear her soft snores and see her bright pink wrap peeking out from under her covers. Maybe I could talk to whoever was out there about going about. I slip out of my room, walk into the kitchen and find Lily eating cereal. Her hair pulled into ponytail and her eyes focus on something on her computer screen. "Hey." I say. "Hi, Wade." She responds looking up from her computer.

"Last night was-" I wasn't sure how to end that sentence. Strange, beautiful, magical, unbelievable. All of those words were right but not enough. "I know." She responds. She'd been there. Maybe she got it. Maybe she understood my draw to HelmsGuard. Maybe she wanted to go back too. "I couldn't stop thinking about it last night." I say. She nods. "I don't think any of us could." She responds. "I think we have to go back." I say. Lily looks up at me. "I just I have a feeling." I say. I needed to get back there. Lily nods and Corey pops her head out of her room. Her eyes bright and her curls bouncing. "What are we talking about?" She asks. "The ball." Lily says. "Gideon's ball?" Corey asks. I snort. "What other ball would we be talking about." I ask. Corey hums. "Good point." she says walk into the room. She opens the fridge and pulls out a bottle of apple juice. "So you wanna go?" She asks. "Yeah I feel like we need to." I say. Corey stops mid sip. She squints her eyes and cocks her head at me. I knew that look. That was the you've said something that peaks my interest look. "What kind of feeling?" She asks hesitantly. I shrug. "You know like when you just know you have to do something. Like kiss a guy or try out for the track team." I explain. Corey's shoulders relax. "Oh, ok. Sure we can go as long as we're together." She says. Finally taking a sip of her drink. A year ago she wouldn't have cared. Corey had been an introvert for most of the time I knew her. Preferring to only be with the smallest groups but now she demanded the unity of a large group. "He did invite all of us." She adds with a shrug. She had changed.

"Yeah, I'm sure everyone else wants to come anyway."I say. Pouring myself a bowl of cereal. "You guys are in though right?" I ask. Lily nods. "I've always wanted to go to a ball." She says. "As long as everyone else goes I'm in." Corey says. I guess that was good enough for now. "Rana's awake on the couch you should go ask her." Corey says. I snort. "How long have you been up?" I ask. "I woke up with the sun." She says with a smile. I chuckle. "Ok early bird." Some things never changed.


A magical adventure. Who would have thought. Corey probably. She was always coming up with insane ideas. We weren't exactly sure what time the magical ball started but last time the door opened around nine so we started getting ready at seven. It was eight now and I was putting the last touches on my eye make up. I'd decided to go with a smokey eye that bring attention to my blue eyes. "Hey Lily?" Sicily says popping up in the mirror behind me. Her black hair cascades like a waterfall from her scalp. The highlight on her cheeks glowed against her brown cheeks. "What's up?" I ask. "How do I look?" She asks brightly. "You look great. Did Bronwen help you with the eye makeup?" I ask. She nods. We'd all decided to go with more natural looking makeup seeing as we didn't know what colors our dresses would be. "Well she did a great job." I say. "Thank you!" Bronwin yells from her room. I chuckle. "You're welcome." I yell back. "Where's Corey?" I ask Sicily. "Oh, Wade's doing her eyeliner." She answers. I nod and swipe my lashes one more time with my mascara wand.

Through the hobbit doorWhere stories live. Discover now