Chapter 4

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As soon as Wade caught sight of Gideon she threw herself into his arms. It wasn't at all like her. He smiles at her but the smile doesn't reach his eyes. He looks so detached from where I'm standing. Like a bad actor who's just going through his lines. They start their walk to god know where and I follow at a good distance. They were just in my sightline. I could hear Wade's giggle from here and it was almost like she was high. Like she didn't really know what was going on. How could this be my friend? Last week she was bright, funny and she could sure as hell take my comments without blowing up like a goddamn volcano. But this Wade she was irritable, needy and out of it. Who was this girl? I shake my head I was hopefully about to find out.

I watch them walk into what looked like a sapphire tree forest. It was super cool. But I had to stay focused. I move closer to them feeling more confident with the cover of trees. I couldn't see very well but they weren't hard to find with Wade's constant giggling. That worried me. The Wade I know wasn't giggly. This whole thing was problematic. I slow my gate as the giggling gets closer. From where I am I can see that they've stopped in a clearing. Last night Corey only had time to teach us two spells but lucky for me one of those spells was enhanced hearing. I close my eyes and gather all the magic into my core. It feels like there is fizzy soda in my heart. "hic caeli portabit voce sonare." I think. A squeal sound grows in my head. It's super uncomfortable for a moment and then it pops like a balloon and I can now hear everything they're saying.

"You're ravishing." I hear Gideon say. Wade giggles. "You're pretty hot too." She responds. "Thank you but dear. I need you to tell me something before we move forward." He says. There was a lack of patience in his voice. Almost like he was struggling with her. "Anything you want." Wade says. "Who's the old blood in your group?" He asks. Wade giggles again. "You don't need her silly. You have me. Now take off your pants." Gideon gives a frustrated huff. Then I hear a thud like a body dropping. "I will not defile you. I may do a lot of things but I won't take your honor." I hear Gideon say. I stay where I am. I hope that I can get a little more information when Wade wakes up.



Lily moves with a strong purpose. My friend was on a mission. Though she was shorter than me I had to speed up to keep up with her. "So where to first?" I ask. "I didn't get to check the downstairs last night so that's where we're starting." Lily says. I nod. I'd follow her lead. With the way Wade was acting this mystery just became extremely important. Corey insisted that the people here weren't evil so maybe Wade was possessed? I mean, I'm sure with a mob there were a few other casualties so maybe she just picked up one of those. When we make our way into the house there's a ton of servants bustling around. Glass and porcelain woman carrying trays of food and baskets of laundry. One small glass woman was carry like five large baskets. She trips and clothing flies everywhere. I immediately rush over to her. "Are you alright?" I ask. "My leg." She says. I look down and there was a spider crack along her ankle. "Oh my it looks like you've fractured your ankle. " I say helping her sit up. "That's no good. I have so much to do today. I don't have time for this." She huffs looking around worriedly. "Well we can help you out." I says. Lily looks up from where she's picking up clothing off the floor. "Do we have time for that?" She asks. Her tone clearly hinting that we don't. "Yes, we do. Would you like our help?" I ask. "That would be wonderful. My name is Maud." The woman says looking up at me with gratitude. "I'm Sicily and that's my friend Lily." I introduce. Maud laughs. "I know. The whole estate knows of the outsiders." "Well these outsiders are here to help. Just give us instructions." I say. I can hear Lily huff. She wasn't a fan of her plans getting side tracked but there was no way I could leave Maud like this and I think Lily understood that. I was glad she was willing to help.

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