Gladiator au part 5

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Toni breaks into a sprint at me. I scoff as I feel my new found energy rush through me. I hold out my hand, my hat turning green. "Entangled roots." Roots wrap around her preventing her movement. They freeze as soon as they touch her skin. She raises her hand. Ice freezes my foot to the ground. I grunt as I try to break it.

I grab my ax, smashing the handle into my foot, breaking the ice. I look back up at Toni, who's about a foot away with her ax over her head. She slams it down at me. I sidestep into a spin, dodging the ax while using my momentum to swing my ax into her. It stops just before her skin, freezing slowly down the blade, progressing to the handle. I drop my ax before the ice cold reach my hand. 

Toni's hand goes through me, I turn to dust while a clone of her punches her back. I reappear above her, my hat now purple. I drop a bag of Vimen powder on her, the dust cloud much bigger then the one I used on Jackie. "Vimen Pressure!" The cloud expands before shrinking again, constricting Toni's movements. I hear her yell something in another language, before my dust shoots everywhere. It freezes before I can cast the spell.

Before I can react the frozen dust shoots at me in a spike, cutting into my gut. I put my hand on the ice, my hat turning a dark orange. "Demon's Flame." The ice melts instantly. The powder connected to the is set ablaze in a crimson flame. I put my hand up, aiming at the center of the flames, and squeeze my hand into a fist. "Demonic Punishment." The fires condenses at the center before causing a deafening blast. I put my hands up before the shock wave could reach me, sending me flying.

I land on my back, knocking the wind out of myself. I take a minute to recuperate. I sit up and look at the fire. Nothing could have survived that. I've never met anything that could. I stand up. An ice whip wraps around my throat, cutting off my oxygen supply, while also freezing me. Before I could fully freeze I look at Toni, who was smiling. She opened her mouth. "You fought well, American, but you can't even escape from that. It's an ice that can't break until it's victim is frozen and out of commission. Thanks for the fight." 

I smirk in an evil way. I muster up the rest of my strength to mutter my spell. "Body Switch." Instantly we switched positions, her being enclosed in her own ice. I take in a huge gasp of air before I start coughing uncontrollably. I slow myself down, taking in the air slowly before I stand up. I turn and look at her. She looks even more beautiful in the Ice, still smiling while being frozen. The ice on my ax dissipates, it flying to me. I take a seat on it, flying up in the air. 

I let my energy come back to me while I survey the scene. Hero is out of the ice, fighting Dark. He swings his sword through Dark. Dark dissipates, reappearing above Hero. He hook his scythe around Hero's right arm. He pulls on it, cutting the arm off. Hero only laughs as he rams his shield into Dark, sending Dark flying.

Hero picks up his arm and puts it back on. Dark dissipates appearing behind Hero, swinging his scythe into Hero's leg. Hero, fell on the knee, but grabbed Dark, slamming him into the ground under Hero. He hold him there before muttering, "Dragon's Burst." A purple flame shoots out in all directions around him, going into Dark also. 

I see Dark appear above Hero, who is still holding the clone. He makes a finger gun, pointing it at the unsuspecting Hero. Dark's voice can be heard through the stadium. "Planetary Corruption!" Hero put's his shield up to block, while Dark's shoots the finger gun. 

A massive energy surge is felt before a pure darkness blast goes into Hero's shield, breaking it completely before ripping through Hero. Once the blast is finished all that's left is what looks like a corpse, covered in darkness. I see the corpse move it's arm. Dark picked up his foot, darkness wrapping around it. He smashed it into Hero's head, rendering him unconscious. "Good fight, Old Man."

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