Soul Eater Au Part 1

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Jackie's POV

   I groan. Waking up somewhere away from home is annoying. I don't know anyone here. I roll out of bed, falling onto a pillow I kicked off earlier. While standing up I pick up the pillow and place it on the bed. I get to find out my partner today.
 I pick up the clothes I set out last night, A bright purple T-shirt with a grey key on it and a pair of black jeans.
  I open the door to the bathroom, placing the clothes on the counter. I grab a towel and place it next to the shower. Hopefully this hotel has hot water because I need the relief of that. I turn on the shower, placing a hand in it. It's warmer than I thought, which cause a small smile to appear on my face. This may be a good day after all.

Dc's POV

   I can't wait for today! I always wanted to be a meister ever since my Dad told me about his days of being one. I didn't think that I would ever be given the chance because of Mom being a witch and all but here I am! I finally get to live in Death City!
   Of course they have people keeping an eye on me, but I can understand why. Witches and Death have not gotten along in ages. He's Ok with me being here because my Dad said I have amazing talent. So here I am! In this beautiful hotel with other Meisters and Weapons!
   I jump out of bed and change immediately into a pink tank top and neon green shorts. I grab my pin that says Meister on it and put it on my shirt. I open the door, running out without even looking. I crash into someone. They grab onto the wall for support while grabbing my arm to stop my fall as well.
   He's got a black sweatshirt on with a giant skull on the front of it, with a pair of black jeans. We must be complete opposites. "Oh my God's I'm so sorry! I should have slowed down but I'm just so excited to meet my partner!"  He smiles.
   "Haha it's fine! I understand the excitement. I was kind of striding down the hallway because of it! My name is Dark. What's yours?" I'm surprised. I thought he would have been mean judging from his clothes but I'm happy to be making a friend. I smile.
   "Hi Dark! I'm Monica, but I like to be called Dc! Would you like to walk to the academy with me?" He smiles, nodding his head.

Jackie's POV

   I get into the elevator, pressing the 1st floor button. I look up to see someone in a bright yellow tank top and blue jeans yelling to hold the door just as it starts closing. I put my hand out, stopping the door. The girl runs in, thanking me. "You are the best! I didn't want to keep my friend waiting later than I had too. My name is Sydney but everyone calls me Floppy." She puts out her hand, smiling.
   I shake her hand. "I'm Jackie. It's nice to meet you. If you don't mind me asking, where is your friend?"
   "Oh she's in the lobby. Yeah I met her last night because we arrived so late! They ran out of rooms so we ended up having to share one! It turns out that both of us are weapons so it sucks that we couldn't have partnered up. Anyway sorry for rambling. Did you meet anyone yet?"
   I shake my head. "No not yet. You're the first one I met. Also, I happen to be a Meister." Her eyes brighten up.
   "Wait really! We could totally be partners! I'm not the happiest about what I can turn into though." She looks down.
   "Well whatever you can turn into I bet it looks just beautiful as you!" The elevator dings, signifying we've reached the bottom floor. "Let's hurry and find your friend!" I hold out my hand. She smiles and takes it, leading me to her friend standing in a corner, reading a book. She's wearing a light blue long sleeve shirt with black sweatpants. She smiles and waves to us.
   We walk up to her, Floppy introducing me to her. "Well my name is Toni. It's very nice to meet you!"

Dc's POV

   It turns out Dark is a weapon. A cool one at that. He has two forms, a long, giant black scythe and a hand sickle. Both the blades are connected to the handle via a metal wire. He says the small sickle form has a drastically longer wire than the scythe. We decided to be partners! I hold my hand out, him taking it and turning into the sickle. I stare in amazement. I've never seen a weapon transform before! I spin him around in my hand. I start to say something. "Do you want me to hit something from a distance with you?"
   "Go for it! Let's see how far you can swing me." I smile as he detaches the blade from the handle. I swing the handle around my head, watching the metal wire follow suit, then the blade doing the same. "Now Dc! Aim for that soda-can!" I swipe left with all my might causing the wire to go far. He wraps around the soda-can before his blade sinks into it. I let out a cheer. A few people clap, causing Dark to turn back into his regular form, holding the can.

   I mumble "I didn't know we had an audience."
   Dark says, "Neither did I"
   The girl in the yellow tank top and blue jeans speak, "Sorry! We were just arriving and we saw you guys. It looked amazing by the way!" She puts out her hand. The other two following her lead. "I'm Sydney, aka Floppy. The girl in the sweatpants is Toni and the girl in the black jeans is Jackie!" Both Dark and I shake their hands.

Jackie's POV

   I can't believe we already found a pair!
   "Hi my name is Monica but preferably I'd like to be called Dc. Also this is Dark!" He waves. "So are you guys all a team? I've heard of three people being a team."
   I reply, "No, we never thought of that." I turn to them. "Do you guys wanna try it out?" Floppy nods excitedly.
   Toni replies, "I am always down to try!" She reaches grabs my hand while Floppy grabs the other.
   I smile. "I'm ready when you guys are." Toni turns into a beautiful axe with a light blue handle. I wield her in my right hand as Floppy turns into an elegant dagger that's decorated in crystals of different colors. She's in my left hand. "I take a few swings with both, learning the new fighting style of an axe and dagger. I feel connected with them as they guide me on how to improve efficiency of our style.
   I hear Dark start saying something. "If you guys want we can spar to help better each other." Dc is nodding in agreement.
   I ask my partners. "Well what do you guys wanna do?"
   Toni replies, "Yeah let's show them how much better three is than two!"
   Floppy responds, "We gotta show up Dr Gloom and his partner." Both Toni and I chuckle.
   A smirk crawls across my face. "We'll take you guys on!"

Cathro's POV

   I watch the boy turn into a scythe that should be too big for the small girl. She handles him with ease, showing the new found bond in each other. The girl with two weapons has an extraordinary soul for being able to match the two wavelengths. I watch as the girl named Jackie charges forward with Toni above her head. The smaller girl named Dc blocks with Dark. Jackie Spartan kicks Dc, spinning with the axe to cause more momentum. Dc blocks again but her guard is broken. Jackie takes the chance to use Sydney by slashing in front of her.
   Dc moves her head back just enough for the attack to miss. She then jumps up onto the handle of Toni. Dark's blade is detached so Dc jumps backward, using Toni to make her higher. Dark's blade follows suit, wrapping around Toni and pulling her with him.
   Dc smiles. "I guess we win! We disarmed you!" Jackie sighs in agreement. She puts her fist up. Dc punches Jackies fist. "Good match!"
   Jackie picks up Toni. "Yeah it was a fun match. I should have watched more carefully."
I clear my voice. The group turns to me, the weapons turning back to their normal selves. "You guys were excellent! I'm happy that we will be having such bright students joining us this year! My name is Professor Cathro."

And with that let's begin the adventure for this group.

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