Soul Eater Au Part 2

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Dark's POV

   I groan as the professor starts talking about the workload. Dc giggles next to me. We found out that we will be getting apartments soon (which are only free the first month because of the transition to Death City) and our partner will be our roommate. I'm fine with this, but I hope she doesn't try to force me to study or anything like that. I start reading the paper that was given to us.

   It says how we can make money. Number one being an actual job and number two being the bounties. I'm excited about bounties, but Dc says she might get a job for the extra money. She started talking to me about it and I kind of shrugged it off. She said she was gonna apply to some bar (even though she is underage.) I'm not gonna stop her, but she's got me thinking of working at the coffee shop by our apartment complex.

   "And Dark is not even paying attention to what I'm saying is he?" The professor looks at me smugly. I smirk.

   "You were talking about how we are gonna learn about the essence of souls and how a regular soul can change into a kishin eggs. You also said we are to only eat Kishin eggs, not human souls. Does that sound about right?" The professor grumbles as I return to staring into space.

Floppy's POV

   I hold back from saying 'Ohh' to the teacher. Dark just sassed him into next week! I look to my right, seeing Jackie focus intently. I look past her to see Toni doodling. It's a doodle of us! She's in the middle of drawing one of the gems on my hilt before she stops. She smiles at me. I put a thumbs up to show that I like it. She goes back to working on it. 

   I write on the back of the paper that's been given to us. I start making a list of how we could design the apartment. I also set up a section for my room, and what colors I want in it. I pull out a small flip book. I write in the schedule section the time we all agreed on training. We also have a time for bonding and a time for doing homework (because I am way too lazy to do it myself.) 

   The professor said something about how it will help our souls sync up. I of course think that sounds amazing. I put the flip book away and go back to working on the designs. I know that we will be a great team!

Toni's POV

   I doodle some more of the picture of Jackie wielding both Floppy and I. I already read up on this class, so I can definitely afford not paying attention for a few days. I more interested in the topic of soul resonance. I like to think about it a lot. I have few ideas I want to bring up to my team, but that will be better for training.

   I look up at the clock. The class is about to end. We get to check out our apartments after this! I can't wait. Before I get to the apartments I want to check out the library. I want to see if I can get a job there. My brother works in there, so hopefully I can get it! 

Time skip~~~~

   I walk into the library with Jackie and Floppy. The two stare in awe at all the books. I hear Floppy say, "I never thought so many books could fit into one room." I giggle at this. I look around for a minute or two. I spot my brother and dash to him. I pick him up with my hug.

   "Hey Ander! Remember how I said I'd be staying in Death City? Well here I am! We talked about how I could have a job here if I followed through with it. So here I am! Do you think I could still have the job?" My brother is still in shock from my arrival. I put him down, giving him more space to think.

   "Of course Toni. You can definitely have a job here. I wish you told me sooner though. I would have had you work today! How are you doing?" 

Dark's POV

   Dc runs through the house. I smile as I hear her amazement. "Dark! We have our own place! can you believe it?" I let out a small laugh as I fall on the couch. 

   "I honestly can't! It's weird to have our own place after just having arrived here. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to take a nap on this here couch. Wake me up in half in hour, please?" I hear her do an evil laugh.

   "Oh I have to tell you something after your nap then. But yes, I will wake you up." She runs out of the room. I wonder what it could be? Anyway, I'm hoping we can do a bounty or something tomorrow. We need the money for food.

Floppy's POV

   I bounce around the room, mapping out where we should put the furniture. Toni and Jackie said that they wouldn't mind me choosing how to decorate the apartment as long as I don't touch there rooms. I think that's pretty fair. Anyway, I look at the finished plan in front of me. I shout, "Jackie! When do you guys want to do bounties? We need to get money for some furniture A-S-A-P!"

   I hear her voice from her room. "We also need money for food, hygiene, and school supplies. Toni said she can do bounties on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. So we can try to do one tomorrow." I let out a groan. 

   I want to get this decorated now, but I guess waiting is going to be very apparent these next few weeks. "Jackie theses couches are so ugly though! Can we please at least get a new one with the bounty money?"

   She giggles from the other room. "After food expenses and basic hygienic supplies then sure. You can take the rest of that money for a new couch." I cheer as I go to my computer to look up what couches are on sale. 

Toni's POV

   I quietly open the apartment door. It's around ten at night. I place the bag of food in the fridge. Ander gave me some because he knew we needed something. I take a look on the counter. There is a note. It reads:

   Hey, sorry Floppy and I couldn't stay up till you got home but we left you some pasta in the microwave! It shouldn't be too cold but heat it up a little bit. You have to ask Floppy all about what she wants to do with the apartment. It's absolutely amazing. Anyway, we'll see you tomorrow! Get some sleep!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                -Jackie

   Aw. That's so sweet of them! I walk over to the microwave and open it. Inside is a pretty sizable bowl of spaghetti. I take a bite, it being lukewarm. Closing the microwave I put it on for 15 seconds. It beeps quietly, my mind thinking it's much louder than it is.

   I eat it all pretty fast. I didn't realize how hungry I was until now. I rinse the bowl and put it in the dishwasher. I quietly walk over to Jackie's room. I open it silently, seeing her sleeping soundly. I the go over to Floppy's room, dooing the same thing. She is asleep but in a weirder way then Jackie. 

   I shrug it off and go to my room, falling onto the bed. within moments I am welcomed by the embrace of sleep.

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