Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty-One

Leo and Mendrek sat upon their horses waiting for Aravoen to come to his. Stareonor and many of the royal houses, together with the wizards, waited for him as well.

Aravoen at last came followed by Leonora. Leonora wore a flowing black dress; the collar of pure gold thread with small gems of green that brought out her flowing beauty.

As he was reaching Elben, Leonora pulled his robes and turned him around. She removed a glowing stone from around her neck and placed it around his neck

"This is the star of Othrendor," she said. "It is mine to give to any that I wish to have it. I give it to you to return safely. Let it be a light for you in darkness and a way to always feel me close to you, My Lord."

Aravoen picked the ring of Samhain from his pouch and took in a breath.

"My aunt said it is for the heirs of Ebill to bestow the ring of eternity to those that took their hearts," Aravoen whispered, well aware of the numerous stares around them.

"I give it to you," Aravoen said. "White Lady of Elvhelm. Keep it and know there is a time we shall wander in the halls of the Easel as one."

He slipped the ring onto her finger and knelt to kiss her hand where he had put it. He stood up a little dazed, but happy. He saw the same happiness resonating from Leonora's face.

Then forgetting that all were watching them, she looked into his eyes and felt the urge to hold him for one last time. She threw herself into Aravoen's arms, fighting tears of pain and love. She turned her face to his and their lips met for a lingering moment. All else ceased to matter, as they heard or saw no one but themselves.

The kiss lasted for what seemed like eternity. Had the two opened their ears then, they would have heard the gasps of shock from a few and the sighs of conclusion from others.

"Return to me the way you have left," she said, drawing back a little. Aravoen held her in his hands not looking anywhere else but to her. Little by little and in a shilly-shally way, Aravoen moved apart from her. He mounted Elben and by unneeded consent the three, Aravoen, Mendrek and Leo, trotted off.

Unexpectedly a clear, sad and beautiful voice swam through the air. Leonora was singing the song she had sang before Aravoen left for Horowitz.

Just wait a while now,

Always the hero comes home.

He goes where no one will go

But always the hero comes home

Hope I have to wait for him

Always my hero comes home.

Leonora watched as the horses left and in a small inaudible voice, save for those very close to her, she said, "I love you, man of Eduin, and my heart goes with you."

As the horses disappeared down the street, Leonora broke into a run and went to the wall. There she looked over the gate as the three horses passed through the gate of Elvhelm. She looked at Aravoen's back as he rode off. Rapidly, Elben reared and turned. Aravoen looked at her. Raising his sword in the air, Aravoen bowed his head to Leonora.

"A wia denimar uos deri ior sadiri," Aravoen said in such a voice of high majesty and might that all the elves on the wall turned in fear and shock.

Stareonor, who had reached Leonora, was also shocked by the way Aravoen said this. His daughter had surprised him with the expression of her feelings. He was going to lose his daughter, and now he feared it more than ever. And the man was of such high standing that he could not refuse him.

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