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I am aware that this story is moving quickly just bare with me please.


Eddy's POV-

I turned the corner and someone bumped into me. It was that girl from earlier

"you need to stop doing that y'know" i spoke watching her reaction 

" Me?? This time it is not my fault okay. Now i need to go"

"Where to?"

"No where...................."

i heard her mumble something like im not sharing my chocolate or something

"What do you mean you're not sharing your chocolate? what are you on about?"

"I didnt say anything like that"

I saw her go a light shade of red....haha

"I already answered you're question i said i wasn't going anywhere now can you please move out of the way?"

"If you're not going anywhere you can stay then"

I she has to answer my question

"What is your problem. Don't you get that i dont want to be around you"....that may have offended me.

"Is it wrong that i want to know what happened to you? you have a huge bruise on your face and red scratches all over you...that isn't normal you know"

"can you like answer me?"

"I'll tell you what if you tell me i'll  leave you alone for the rest of your life? Deal?"

"No deal...Just leave me alone..please" i could see she was inpatient but i didnt care i was going to get my answer.

"Fine i'll just follow you everywhere you go"....why does she have to be such a hard shell....jesus christ.....

" why can't you just got away" I stared at not going to give up so easily."

Ellas POV-

"Why can't you just got away" his green eyes stared at me in a weird away he was getting on my nerves i just wanted to go to the toilet and eat my chocolates WHY CAN I NOT DO THAT?!?!

" ALRIGHT. FINE!" i took a deep breath and said:

"i got beat up and i got this bruise. GREAT now you know you can run off and tell all your little friends that Ella pierson got beaten up. Now please LEAVE me alone" I pleaded he stared at me in shock....his eyes changed to this weird hazel colour.

"Why would i do that i'm not that type of guy you know!"

he looked at me and finally said:

"was it your boyfriend?" 

"I don't have a boyfriend and I dont want a boyfriend so no it wasn't my boyfriend okay!"

"God stop being so harsh" he spat out "Then who was it"

"My step-dad did it"

I don't even consider him as my step-dad why should I? i mentally signed a contract or something saying that he was not anything to do with me and he was not related to me in any type of way I don't actually know if him and my mum  were married he said they were i didn't go to the wedding i was locked up in my room ....

"Why do you even care so much ? i dont want to talk about it especially not with you so just go away"

"you wanna know why i care well when i saw you with that bruise first I thought you probabily got into  fight but then i realized it wasn't a fight"

"Yeah and? that still doesn't mean you care" she looked annoyed

"My sister got beat up, Haley was like 19 ....She was so beautiful she was a great sister always looking out for me,she was so pretty she could do so much better but she got involved with some weird old douche-bag and  he got her pregnant and she told him about the baby but he refused to take up the position as the dad she said she'd go to court and all of that and he threatened to kill her she told the police and........erm yeah...... but you reminded of my sister when she came home with a bruised face....

"You said she was a great she not a good sister anymore?" i asked, curiosity taking over me

"Erm yeah got ....she....he got someone to kill....haley and erm" He was starting to get teary i just wanted to hug him but i couldn't bring myself to do it.

"I'm really sorry" I said thruthfully

"Erm what happened to him?"

"To who?" he asked

"To the man who got her pregnant?"

"We couldnt find him, Me, my mum and dad didn't know who he was, Haley never said anything about him"

"What's your mum like?"

I know that question sounds Random and stupid but i ask molly and charlie the same questions it reminds me of my mum.

"Erm..." he gave me a pretty weird look " Well if you must know she's really nice actually, Shes an Art teacher so that's where i get my drawing skills from" he said that like he was really proud.

"Yeah she's really nice in general, What about your mum?"

That was an unexpected question...

" Erm yeah she was nice"


 "She was a ballet teacher she earned quite alot of money she met my dad then he left when i was like 1 so i have no idea who he is and i dont want to know who he is.....when i was like 6 my mum met Adrian my "step-dad" i honestly think he just got onto my mum for her money but anyway 1 year later Adrian got my mum in a car and said they were getting married......i just found that really sudden, Awkward and suspicious so i asked if i could come he said "no" and locked me in my room i found all of this really strange so i called my mum but she didnt answer"

I paused for a breath then continued:

"The next day Adrian came home without my mum he said that...she..she was in a car accident right after they got married.....and that..she..she died instantly....

I asked him where he was when my mum was in the car and he simply said he got out of the car quicker than she did.

I never believed that story the points just didn't connect and i was like 7 years old at the time so i couldn't go investigating and he wouldn't let me he said he was my "legal parent" and whatever he said goes he said it was my fault..that s-she died he said that when i called her she lost control of the wheel and crashed the's all my fault...for 8 years of my life he's been letting out his anger on me and beating me up saying that it was my fault she died...i dont blame was my fault"

A tear dripped down from my cheek, I placed my head down so he wouldnt see it but he did.

"Hey, hey, don't cry, its not your fault it-"

He got cut of my this annoying voice-Jessicas annoying voice she showed up and then flung herself on him 

"Yes it is her's obviously her fault...I mean look at her babe...Are you telling me it's not her fault she's so ugly?"

Im not going to stand here and take this "Bye"

"what is your problem Jess? What's wrong with you!?"

"what did i say?".......have I told you I didn't like you?

I walked down the corridor and heard distant arguing. This was way too much for me i was going to get away from school i heard there was a hole underneath the fence that lead to outside the school and that's what i was going to do; get out of school.

"Hey wait up i'm coming with you".....yep...Eddy...... "Sorry about jessica she's just heartless"

"it's fine" i shrugged

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