Getting to know you

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We got to an ice cream van and asked for 2 ice creams then he helped me up a brick wall and we both sat down. It was getting awkward so I decided to brake the tension.

"What do you see in her?"

"who? Jess?"
I nodded

"Nothing really"

"Then why are you with her?...You're playing her aren't you? Why are you such a jerk?"

"I am highly offended!" he said this in a really girly voice and we burst out in fits of laughter.

"but actually naahh i'm not playing her......we kind of got a reputation to maintain so we agreed to go out we both have a brain and we both know we're good looking I know it sounds modest but it makes sense....kind of...anyway she likes me and throws herself all over me but i don't actually like her and she knows that....but she just gives daggers out to every girl who likes me so I don't get a chance to talk to any girl or guy besides the people we chill with"

"Wait....did you say girl or guy?..... "

"Yeah....she says she doesn't want guys around me just in case they're gay and fall for me......."

"Erm .......That's just weird.........Not about the gay people.....but the fact that her brain can go so low as to the point to even come up with something like that"

"Haha yeah I know but it's Jessica what do you expect? But outside of school when she's in her normal clothes on those skin tight dresses she's pretty cool...when she's not trying to get onto obviously"

"Jessica cool?" I licked my ice cream.  "She's about as cool as fire"

"ay that's my fake girlfriend your talking about"

"Sorry then but I've been told to always tell the truth" I licked my ice cream again.

Then I caught him staring at me in a weird way...why does he do that?

"what?" I asked


"You were staring at me..."

"You're the first girl I know that it pretty much careless about what you eat"

"Food is made for a reason don't waste it" I said sincerely

"Whatever you say......Hey take me to your house"

"No" I said simply

"Why not?"

Questions questions questions

"Because Adrian doesn't like boys"

"Yeah I know he doesn't love boys I think he's more into women"

"Not like that you idiot" I chuckled

"I mean he doesn't like boys as in he doesn't want me to get anywhere near one I think it's because he wants me to live with him for the rest of my life and be his slave"

"I know what you meant...and you're not going to be anyone's slave so get that thought out of your head"

"Why are you so nice?"

"what do you mean?" he looked up at the sky

"I mean you're supposed to be a player and yet you're really nice?"

"I like to keep it cliché"

"So you're not a player you're just pretending?"

"Well in year 7 and 8 I was really stuck up and thought I had the world at my feet, so I went out with girls then dumped them or alternatively I would cheat on the girls in went out with. At the time I thought it was fun then in year 9 Reality hit me and I knew I couldn't just keep braking hearts so I stopped.
Then someone decided to spread a rumour that the only reason I wasn't going out with anyone was because I hadn't lost my "innocence" so that's when Jessica came in and We made that deal"

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