Unknown (G.D)

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THIS IS A GRETHAN ONESHOT, no smut though lol

Ethan p.o.v

I had been out all day gift shopping when i decided it was time to go back home , after all i had left my twin brother Grayson at home and he would probably be bored.

As i walked in i heard an unfamiliar sound , it sounded like crying.

I followed the strange noise to my brother, Grayson's, room.

"Bro, are you in there?" i question , lightly tapping on the wood of his door.

"N-no" i hear being stuttered at the other side of the door.

"I'm coming in" i announce walking through the door.

I see a small lump under the covers and immediately recognise it as my twin.

I sit down on his bed and peel the covers back to reveal Grayson, with rosy cheeks and tears pouring from his eyes.

"What's wrong bup?" i asked him

This was unusual , i hadn't seen him crying since we were around 8.

"I-i don't feel good" he said in a voice that if you closed your eyes you could swear a 4 year old had said it.

"What do you mean?" i said , wanting him to elaborate

"Tummy" he responds

Okay now he's actually weirding me out.

"Well come into the living room and we can watch a movie and i can make you some soup?" i say wanting him to feel better.

"Okay" he says standing up and walking to the door.

I follow him and we get to the living room.

I give him a blanket and give him ten remote to put a movie on or something.

He must be feeling really bad to be crying like that.

I heat up some soup for him and myself for lunch and take it over there to see him passed out on the couch , with his thumb in his mouth.

I thought he stopped that when we were 10, i guess i could play it off as him just being unwell.

I decide not to wake him because i didn't want to make him worse , he obviously needed the sleep.

I just eat my soup and put a movie on, around 15 minutes later he woke up.

"Hey, you feeling better after that nap?" i ask

"Nu-uh" he shakes his head , no.

"Well i made you some soup , i can heat it up if you'd like?" i ask

"No thanks" he says lying his head back down.

About 5 minutes later he chirped up again. But he was crying.

"What's up?" i ask

"Potty" he says.

"What?" i ask confused as to what he meant , never mind the fact he hadn't said that since about first grade.

He didn't respond instead he just cried harder.

"Okay Gray what's going on?" i ask

"I dunno" he says

"Do you have to go to the bathroom or?" i ask

"Not anymore" he mumbles with his head down.

"What does that mean?" i ask

He cries louder and says , "Don't get mad"

"I'm not mad" i say softly and stand up and take the blanket from him to see a big wet patch on his sweatpants.

"Oh" i simply say.

it's fine Ethan , he's just not feeling well.

"Okay gray , ill get you some new boxers you just take your pants and underwear off.". i say, it doesn't matter if i see him naked we're twins after all.

I come back to the living room with a pair of boxers for him. He has a blanket so he doesn't need any pants.

"come to the bathroom so you can clean yourself up" i say

he goes into the bathroom , still crying , and wipes himself up before putting the boxer shorts on.

We sit back down on the couch and continue to watch the film.


"Yeah?" i say turning to him

"Milkies please?" he asks

"You want some milk?" i ask

He nods his head and i stand up to make him a luke warm glass of milk , how he likes it.

"Here, don't spill it"

I hand him the glass of milk and he starts drinking getting some down his shirt.

"Bro your getting it all over yourself" i say from the other end of the couch.

"sorry" he mumbles, wiping his milk moustache

"I'll go get you a water bottle" i say standing up and reaching into the cabinet.

I hand him a water bottle i use for the gym and help him pour the milk in.

He immediately starts sucking the bottle.

After finishing the drink he lets out a few small burps and rests his head.

what's going on....

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