class project

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this is a oneshot where a popular girl finds out her partner for her school project , Ethan, is actually a little.

Lily p.o.v

My group of friends walked into the history classroom and sat at our usual seats.

we were pretty much always late so it wasn't surprising to see the rest of the class were already seated.

"And where have you lot been?" Mr. Cadens asks

"bathroom" my friend Chad responds

i guess the teacher couldn't be bothered wasting any more of his lesson so he just began.

I was zoned out for about ten minutes when i heard him say "you and your partner will hand in the class project next monday at noon" i immediately turned to my friend Claire and we smirked at each other.

"Oh i forgot to mention, i will be assigning partners" he smiles sarcastically looking at me

this bitch

He assigned half of the class with their partners before turning my way

"Miss. Simons, you can work with Mr.Dolan over there" he says as he points to a guy i didn't even know existed.

The brown haired boy looked up at me then averted his gaze

great, he's a fucking weirdo

"You guys can work on these in your own time as now we have a pop quiz"

"for fuck sake"


i walked up to the same boy i was partnered with , after class

"what's your name?" i startle him as he leaves the class room.

"E-ethan" he says avoiding eye contact.

"i'm Lily, where do you wanna work on the project , my house or yours" i ask

"i , uh , i don't mind" he says

"your house it is, what's your address" i ask as i gave him my phone to type his address

he types it in and i say "can i meet you there around 7"

he nods his head and with that i go to my friend Dylan's car so he can give me a ride home


Ethan's house was only a 5 minute walk from my house so i decided to just walk.

i got to his house and knocked on the door.

he answered , "h-hi"

"hi, can i come in?" i ask

"y-yeah sure" he says moving out of the way

i walk in "is it just you here?" i ask

"yeah my momm-" he stops himself before he says the full word. "and dad are out" he says

"okay , well where are we gonna work?" i ask

"in my room , if- if that's okay" he says

i nod and we walk up to his bedroom which was a baby blue room with a double bed with a stuffed bear badly hidden behind it and a closet. he also had a desk which was full of colouring pens

i sit down on his bed and get my history notes out of my backpack as he does the same.

we work well for around an hour and a half before i get a call from
my mom to come home.

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