Sonny Culp ➵ Angel

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David "Sonny" Culp
Class of 1999
Warning: Gore, Cursing

I hopped off my bike, looking over and seeing the Culp boys climbing out of a good-looking car

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I hopped off my bike, looking over and seeing the Culp boys climbing out of a good-looking car. I walked over, giving a high-five to Angel and exchanging a handshake with Cody, congratulating him on his recent prison release.

I watched as Sonny got out on the drivers side, and walked over, wrapping an arm around him and leaning into him. I pressed my lips firmly to his and pulled away with a smile, "I missed you, Sonny."

He smiled, kissing me again, "I haven't even gone anywhere."

"I know."

We kissed again and I heard Cody make a erotic sucking noise, if only to give Angel a laugh. A guard walked over, speaking gruffly from behind a mask, "I'm gonna have to search your vehicle." I detached from Sonny slowly.

Cody and Angel stopped laughing and Sonny shut the passenger door he climbed out of, standing in front of it, "No way, man. It ain't even on school property! You ain't got the fuckin' right!" The guard shoved Sonny backwards harshly and Sonny kept still, "Where's your search warrant, huh?!" Sonny, being 5'9 and 160 pounds, was a pretty formidable opponent as it was. His nerve and knife made him all that much more.

The guard yanked him and turned him around, pushing his chest to the passenger side window and twisting his arm around his back, "You wanna do this the hard way, huh?!"

I walked behind the guard and kicked out the back of his knees. I was going to start punching the guy, but after delivering a swift, hard kick to his ribs, my arms were suddenly yanked up and backwards, preventing me from moving. I kicked my feet and let out a yelp. Sonny turned around, cheeks red with anger. The man who got ahold of me reached out and grabbed Sonny's wrist roughly, dragging him behind us as he began to walk. I tried to move my arm, but it felt on the edge of breaking. I looked behind us, seeing Cody pushing Angel away from us. Some friends they turned out to be.

Sonny was yanking his wrist, trying to wiggle out of the mans grasp, and failing. He planted his feet in the ground, and even sat down and let himself be dragged over the pavement, probably dirty-ing the back of his brightly colored pants. We were taken inside the school and thrown into what looked like... a history class?

The door was shut behind us and clicked in place. Locked. I looked around worriedly, going over to Sonny, "Sonny, what the hell is going on?"

"I dunno man... If they go through my car, they're gonna take all my shit away..."

I already noticed his hand twitching and his eyelids jittering anxiously. Withdrawals. Sonny had numerous hits of Edge throughout the day. One right when he woke up, one at the end of each class, then one before going to bed.

The door clicked open and both our eyes darted in that direction. I watched as a man with grey hair and scary pale blue eyes came in. He leaned against the back of his desk, "So? Want to tell me what... happened?"

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