The Talk

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-Envy's POV-

I watched Mustang sulk out of the house, and then Ed turned to me again. He looked at Winry and Pinako.

"We'll give you some space." Pinako said, leading Winry upstairs. I turned back to Ed my heart was racing. I've fought giant foul beasts yet when I'm in a room with him my heart jumps.

"Envy, I know that you can be a good person, I've seen it. You wouldn't have come all the way out here with me if you were the Envy I first me, and loathed." He said, my eyes narrowed. He's talking to me like a child. I'm a damn humumculous and HE'S lecturing ME. "But you realy need to stop picking fights with everyone you meet." He finnished.

I glared at him harder than I ever have. "I'm sorry, what? I pick fights to much? Ha you're one to talk, 'WHO ARE YOU CALLING A PIPSQUEAK!?'" I said mockingly

"See this is what I'm talking about! I can't defend you, if you're the one starting the fight!"

"I never said you had to defend me!"

"And you didn't have too! I though that was the point!"

I took a step towards him raising an eyebrow. "The point of what?"

He took another step close to me, looking into my eyes and then away. "I-i don't know anymore. What ever's between us, I thought... I thought we were supposed to protect each other..."

"We are." I said quietly. Before I could stop myself I pressed my lips against his, his eyes widened at first and I expected him to pull away. My heart started pounding faster, W-what am I doing? This is exactly what Roy did. What if Ed hates me now what if- He pulled away. "I- I'm sorry, I- I shouldn't have done that. That's exactly  what Roy did and-"

"It's okay." He said with a small smile. "Just don't tell Winry, or do if you wanna be hit in the head with a wrench." He seemed...gentler than usual. "And unlike Roy," He continued.
"Even if you didn't know it, you had my consent." He blushed and quickly walked away. I though about chasing after him, but I know he needs to clear his head. He'll talk when he's ready.

Sorry for the Royed shippers reading. When I first started I wasn't entirely sure which Ed would end up with but it's started to lean more towards Edvy so yeah. Also YAY EDVY

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