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"Is it true? You're Moon Chaewon, Jeongsan's Eomma." Hoseok asked while I kept my face down, hiding behind a mask.

I just came for a quick shopping at the store where he suddenly greeted me.

I wanted to say yes but I didn't, "No.. that's not me." 

I changed my voice a bit and tries to pass by his shoulder but abruptly stops at his firm hold on my arm.

"Moon, right? Why are you ignoring me?" He asked impatiently. 

"Leave me alone!" I whispered yelled.

"Don't you want to meet your son? He is here with me." Hoseok looks at the other section finding a small boy grabbing some choco chips. "Jeong-ah~"

My eyes brimming in tears, my heart keeps on racing as I saw his eyes meets mine.

"Uncle Hope, I'm coming~"

Jeongsan walks steadily towards me and suddenly jumps over Hoseok made my heart turn upside down almost making me scare he'll recognise me while Hoseok carried him up in his arms. 

I was breaking down in front of my son made my heart drops at the sudden feeling. 

I quickly turned away to get out of this situation. 

"Eomma~" Jeongsan sang made me abruptly stop. "Eomma please, don't go.. stay." I sobbed as I heard him say after a long time even it's been a week.

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