Chapter 3

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Steve Prov:

  When Fury gave me the file I didn't expect it to be so thin because usually files he gives us are over 1 hundred pages long, this file though only has one page which confused me usually S.H.I.E.L.D has tons of information on everyone but this person Perseus Jackson has very little information, so what did I do I read through the page and my eyes widened at the age of Perseus the file read.

Name: Perseus Jackson (Percy)
Age: 17
Mother: Sally Blofis Jackson
Father:Unknown (thought to be lost at sea)
Step Father: Gabe (missing prosumed dead)
Step Father: Paul Blofis ( Goode High school English Teacher)
Discription: Hight 6'4', Hair Color Black, Eye Color sea green
*Notes: Suspected Terrorist Activities, Expelled from 7 schools, caused class to fall into shark tank at sea world, Blew up school bus with civil war cannon, was present during multiple explosions at different schools, seen near a bus explosion in New Jersey, seen near St Louis Arch explostion, went mission for nine months, vanishes every summer; only scattered reports of sightings all around the county, suspected of kidnapping mother and taking her across country at age 12; later confirmed he was one of the hostages. Escaped along with two other minors of the same age after a shoot out in California. Kidnappers still at large.

  I ended up reading the whole thing out loud and everyone listened to me, after I read I looked up at everyone they were as surprised as me "I like this kid" tony said which caused me to sigh " ok we will go after this kid but I do not want the kid harmed in any way we can use force if needed but please don't make wounds he is just a kid" I said and everyone nodded "alright suit up" after that we all left.

(Sorry it is short I will try and make the next chapter longer but can't promise I have a lot of things on my mid and i couldn't think so well but I hope you liked this chapter. Chow)

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