chapter 4

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Percy's Prov:
I was setting in front of the sevens graves I got them all a yellow rose, I got yellow because yellow means friendship, but I got Annabeth a red rose I got red because red means love.
I have been setting In front of their graves for about an hour just crying, I know what you are thinking Percy Jackson crying well you would cry for your dead friend and girlfriend too, my crys eventually calmed down to just sobs enough for me to talk "I a-am so s-sorry I couldn't s-save y-you guys if I w-was just f-faster, stronger you guys would be here with me, I'm so so so sorry it's my fault your gone, I just hope you guys wait for me there... I love you guys."
I sat there not trusting myself to stand but after 5 minutes I felt 4 people or monsters behind me, I tensed up then got up and started to head for the beach because I was a little weak from crying.

Natasha's prov:
We found Perseus in the graveyard though it was after hours, anyway when we got suited up we went to go get him, Bruce said he would stay behind because we wouldn't need Halk to get a kid, we decided to walk to the graveyard since it wasn't that far from the tower.
          [Time Skip to the graveyard]
When we got to the graveyard that took about 15 minutes to walk to, we seen him setting In front of six graves that had yellow roses on them but one it had a red rose on it "I think we should wait till he is out of the graveyard to get him" Steve Said through the earpiece "I agree" I said we watch him agree little longer, he was crying but know he is sobbing then he started to speak " I a-am so s-sorry I couldn't s-save y-you guys if I w-was just f-faster, stronger you guys would be here with me, I'm so so so sorry it's my fault your gone I just hope you guys wait for me there... I love you guys."
After he said that I was so confused but didn't let it show I looked at the others to see if they had the same reaction as I did and they did though I couldn't see Tony's face I could tell he was confused,  all I could think about was what did he mean by it was all his fault that they were gone, and what did he mean by faster and stronger what has he been through to think it was his fault for their deaths.

Steve's prov:
I was confused on what the kid said, you could tell the others were to, but we decided to wait till the kid is out of the graveyard to detain him.
Perseus had his head in his hands but after 5 minutes of silence he tensed up, then he got up and started to head to what looked like the beach.

Percy's prov:
Yep I either got me some stalkers or monsters wanting to kill me but they followed me to the beach, once I got there I walked to the edge of the water so I could get a little more stangth.
I just stood there looking out to the ocean taking in the smell of sea salt, but the people that are stalking me are mortal because if it was a monster it would of attacked by now, anyway one was up in a tree another was in the sky and the last two were in a boosh, so I turned around and said " you now it's not nice to stalk people come on out" they took a moment to come out though they probably were surprised that I knew they were there, but they eventually came out one was a tall well built male that looked like the American flag puked all over him I'm going to call him flags he was also carrying a shield that also looked like the flag with one big star in the middle, the other was a female in a black catsuit, she didn't seem like she had any weapons but she probably has some all over herself.
We just stood there looking at each other before I spoke braking the silence "you guys do know that it's not halloween right? Who are you dressed up as anyway I mean you look like the American flag puked all over you and have you a shield to match and you look like your ready to kill someone" they just look at me surprised but the woman she hid it pretty quick but the guy just looked surprised,  once he was out of his trance he asked me " you don't know who we are" now I was the one confused "no should I?" I asked he just looked at me more surprised if that was possible, then the one in the sky came down he looked like a living robot but it was just a full body armor, he lifted his mask then said "are you serious you don't know us? " He asked me "no I do not know who you guys are should I know?" I asked starting to get annoyed with him for asking the same question as the other guy "ya you should know us we literally just saved the world from aliens 2 months ago you should know me because I am a billionaire and a famous as scientist" he said to me "well I don't know what to tell you but I don't know who ANY of you guys are" I said "seriously what about the alien invasion 2 months ago?" He asked if I wasn't annoyed earlier I am now "no I don't know of any alien invaton" I said "off of that topic why are you guys following me?" I asked.

Tony's prov:
I can not belive this kid he doesn't know who we are and didn't know of the alien invaton where does this kid live under a rock "off of that topic why are you guys following me?" He asked I was annoyed with the kids so I just went back to my spot in the sky.

Natasha's prov :
This kid doesn't know who we are which is odd because almost everyone knows who we are, Tony went back up into his spot in the sky after the kid asked why we were following him, I was the one to step up and say "yes we are here to detain you for questioning" I said what surprised me is that he didn't look scared or confused much less angry "sorry but I am not going anywhere with you guys" he said then Steve spoke up "you can come willingly or we will have to use force and i really don't want to do that" the kid started to look like he was getting really annoyed with us.
"I done told you I'm not going anywhere with you people" he said Steve let out a sigh and said "then we will have to use force" then nodded to me I took out a syringe it was a tranquilizer, I didn't want to do this to him he was just a kid but I am under orders, then I charged (side note I am probably bad at fighting scenes) after him, but this Perseus kid is full of surprises he didn't even look scared all he did was side step at the last second and I swear I heard him say "sorry for this" before I felt something hit the back of my head then everything went dark.

Steve's prov :
This Perseus kid is literally full of surprises he just took down a super spy with one hit and before he did I think I heard him say "sorry for this"
After Natasha was down I started to attack, I threw my shield at him but instead of it hitting his head like a planed he caught it, that surprised me but before I could gather myself he threw the shield at Tony which caught him off gard then he crashed I think he is passed out because he never got back up. Then Clint started to shoot tranquilizer arrows, but the kid dodged all of them but one that was heading for his left shoulder, but instead of hitting him he caught it like he did with my shield he charged at me taking advantage of my surprise and stabbed me with the tranquilizer arrow but before everything went black I looked at him he had an apologetic face then everything went black.

Clint's prov:
This kid Perseus just surprised me not only did me take down a super spy but he did it with just one hit to the head, though he said something to her but I was to far away to hear it, I didn't start shooting because Steve was still down there and Tony was in the sky, that is when steve threw his shield at the kid but what surprised me is that it didn't hit him no he caught it and threw it at Tony, I think he was to surprised to dodge the shield because it hit him and he when falling to the ground, he must be out because he never got back up.
I started to shoot tranquilizer arrows at him but instead of hitting him he dodged them but one that looked like it was going to his left shoulder but it never hit because like with caps shield he caught it and charged him, I think Steve was to surprised to get out of the way because the kid got him the the tranquilizer arrow and Steve fell to the floor, I was the only one still awake so I got out of the tree I was in and charged him because shooting arrows will not get me anywhere with this kid.
I went to throw a punch in his face but he side steps and got me in the back of the head then everything went black.

Percy's prov :
After I took down the bow and arrow guy he was dressed almost like the catsuit lady but his suit had purple on it, I was walking back to mom and Paul's apartment because I took them all out I didn't want to but they wouldn't take no for an answer.
      [Time Skip to Sally and Paul's apartment]
I walked in and said "mom, Paul in home" once I said that I was immediately pulled into a hug by my mom "where were you I was getting so worryed" she said "sorry mom I went to the graveyard then I had to deal with some stalkers" I said she nodded then said "ok well get something to eat then go to bed you got school tomorrow remember our deal" she said I just nodded and went to eat.
Once I was done eating I went to my room got changed for bed brushed my teeth then went to bed and for the first time in weeks I had a dreamless sleep.

(Sorry for the wait I don't have internet connection anyway I got an longer chapter for you guys sorry it took so long to get up anyway Chow)

Word count 1916

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