chapter 2

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Lance pov.

I'm tapping my pencil on my desk wait for 4th period to be over. Ugh... ¡ Venga una prisa y termine quiero que esta estúpida clase termine ya!. *ring* finally! I've been waiting all day to tell the guys about me getting to take my gender result test. I only have hunk in biology and Keith in English together and I want to tell them all together. I head down to lunch because that is our 5th period lunch break.

I get to the cafeteria where they serve us prison food for lunch. I get my slop and see my friends all ready at the table. I sit next to Keith listen to Matt and pidge fight about nerdy stuff. I look to my left across the table and see romelle and allura talking about something. I look at shiro see him messing with Matt in his lap. I cringe at the sight trying to hold my food down. I look at Keith on his phone and then I got an Idea, I took out my phone and started to text him.

"Don't you find it disgusting when couples are lovey dovey" I send. He looks at his phone and looks at me confused I nod my head towards the direction of the two couples across the table. He looks back at me and laughs typing on his phone "yeah honestly makes want to puke every time I see Matt and shiro together at home." We both laugh and the others turn to us "what are you guys laughing at?" Shiro says raising his eyebrow at us laughing.

"Nothing" we say in unison pidge looks at us in suspicion then smirks a mischievous grin. She looks at me and Keith "aweee are keithy weithy and lancey Lance sending love messages to each other?" She says looking at us still grinning. My eye's widen feeling my face start to burn. "W..Wh..what no!" I say blushing so much that I'm sure everyone can see it because everyone at the table is starring at us grinning. ""That..That's not what we were doing" Keith says blushing bright red glaring at pidge. God how can someone be so cute.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot I get to take my secondary gender result test today" I say trying to change the topic before pidge could make more embarrassing jokes everyone looks at me. "Really that's awesome man finally" hunk says smiling "yeah I'm so excited" I say smiling big. "So what do you think you are alpha, or beta" pidge asks romelle looks at her quizzically "what about omega?" She asks confused as to why she left out omega's. "Well" she turns to romelle sitting on the other side of the table.

"Lance is a guy" she says in an obvious tone romelle looks a little a angry at what she said "so?" She retorts "it can still happen"she says "I mean ada.." She stops eye's wide as shiro and Matt look at growling. "I'm sorry shiro" she says apologetically. Shiro looks at her sighing and turns his head to pidge "but she's right he is an omega." "Oh yeah right" she says looking down."Anyway" hunk changes topic before it could get any more awkward. "What do you think you're going to be?" He asks smiling " I look at him smiling "an alpha" I say puffing out my chest the table smiles giggle at my actions. "Well" says shiro "we hope that you get good results" he says among at me. "Thanks" I say looking at shiro smiling. The bell for 6th period rings lunch is over.

"Uuggh..." I hear hunk groan and hit his head on the table before getting up. "What's wrong" I ask looking at him "I have history this period and that teacher is a bitch" he says frowning. Everyone nods in agreement knowing exactly what him meant "I'll pray for you my friend" I say bowing and putting my hands together like in a prayer. Everybody laughs at hunk frowning reluctant to go to class before heading of to their 6th period.

After school

After the school bell rings for school to be over I rush out of class and get in my mom's car so we can go to the hospital."someone's ready to go" my veronica giggles as she hurries and gets in the car with Luis. "Hell yeah I'm so excited!" I yell my mom looks at me with a disapproving stare " Lance vigila tu boca." I flinch a little at being scalded by my mom " Lo siento mamá" I say looking at her apologetically.

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