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You were at school, in the library. You had a project to do on a mob species, and chose spiders. Mainly because you didn't care for them, and wanted a new way to defend yourself. You were flipping through books in the library. Just as you were getting to defence, a loud group of girls came through, giggling and flipping their hair.

"Oh my gosh, there's apparently a totally hot transfer student coming!" one of them squealed. You rolled your eyes. You picked up four books, and walked out, after checking them out. You sat on a bench to read. You'd seen some spider people, but not at night. Apparently, some are aggressive at night.

You were reading about defending against them. They are quite normal by day, not aggressive, just indifferent. Fuck studying. You pulled out your mp3 player and began listening to I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off by Fall Out Boy. You lay down on the bench, closing your eyes.

You were dreading having to do a project on spiders. Oh well, you chose it to learn how to defend yourself.

~next day~

You had gotten the supplies for your project. The new student was supposed to come in today.

You sat in homeroom, drawing on the desk, when the teacher cleared his throat. "Class, New student." He nodded to the class. A short boy walked in.

He had black hair, red eyes, like, all red. He was pale, and had long sleeves, hanging just above his finger tips, two little fangs, and red skinny jeans, as well as a red hourglass sign on his shirt's back. He had red converses with black toes, and laces. He had an adorable aura about him. "Class, this is Silas." Elias waved, a small blush coating his cheeks. He had spider bites on both sides of his lips, double rings.

He looked around and smiled widely, his eyes closed. "Hello. I'm Silas!" he looked in your direction and winked. You blushed, but just assumed it was for the girl in front of you.


You sat at lunch, eating a sandwich and a (flavour) (soda/juice/drink), you alert alone, because you had to read for your project. The new kid walked up with his tray. "mind if I sit?" he asked, looking at the book. You shrugged and pulled your converses off the seat and sat up. He smiled and sat.

A brunette at the next table smiled, it was the one you think he sent the wink to earlier. She blew a kiss, and he smiled nervously. "Uh..." he almost puked. You could see it in his beautiful red eyes. You laughed.

The brunette was oblivious and had turned back to her friends. He looked back to you, and pinched the bridge of his nose. He looked to you and smiled. He wasn't that bad for a spider you guess. "As you know by now, I'm Silas, what's your name?" he asked, he reached for his own granola bar. "My name is (y/n) (last name)." You smiled.

"That's a beautiful name!" he grinned. He was fucking adorable! He ate a few bites of granola. He stated at you the entire time. This caused you to blush, you didn't enjoy people watching you eat... "What are you staring at?" you sunk into your seat, causing him to snap out of his trance and blush. "N-Nothing!!!" he shoved the rest of the granola bar into his mouth, a light blush coating his cheeks, similar to your's.

"Hey... I have a project on spiders... I was wondering if you could help?" you asked, it's worth a shot. He nodded, smiling, and finished his lunch. "What do you need help on?" he looked at the book.

~later that day~

You'd invited Silas to help on your project, and come over. He was currently explaining why their feet didn't stick to webs. "We wouldn't be able to make our..." You were staring at him. He was blushing again, and waving a hand in front of your face. "(y-y/n)!!!" he snapped you out of it. "Sorry!" you blushed, almost as dark as he had.

He sighed. "(y/n)? If I do something, don't get mad?" he looked at you, and you were curious. "Um...sure?"

He wrapped his arms around your waist, and pulled you close to him, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck, causing you to blush, right before he pulled out a knife and stabbed- just kidding. He kissed you on the lips, a short, timid kiss, but it was a kiss.

You stood dumbfounded, a blush coating your face. He grinned. "Yay! She's not mad!" he picked you up and hugged you. You planted a small kiss on his cheek. This caused him to go almost as red as his eyes. You smiled, and sat down, working on your project.

You got an A on it :).

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