Magma cube

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You were in Wendy's after school, with your best girl friends, the Slimes. They were triplets, although one was bigger than the others. You were getting (order) and they were getting chicken nuggets. The biggest one was texting someone so you looked over her shoulder.

'You guys wanna get some Wendy's with us and our friend?'


'Well, get over here.'

'Fiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnneeeeeeeeee >:('

"Who were you texting?" you took a bite of (food from Wendy's)

"Our cousins. They're triplets like us, but basically guys." they shrugged. The girls were a pale green colour, with dark green hair.

Just then three guys walked in. "AAAAAYYY!" the taller one came in and  bro fisted the larger slime sister. "Hey Sam." "Hey Mason.". The two shorter ones stood and grinned.

"So, this must be your friend?" he looked you over. The three of them were wearing dark red shirts, striped with bright orange. They had glowing orange eyes, tanned skin, dark red hair. They were wearing black skinny jeans, and black converses.

"Dayum. She cute." he grinned. "I'm Mason, and those two are Mac and Marc." He held out his hand. You were still blushing from the 'compliment'. You shook his hand. The brothers ordered and got their food, sitting down by their cousins. Mason sat by you, and it was a bit weird. His eyes were a bright, glowing orange. At some point, you had finished your food, so you sat and talked with everyone.

"So Mason, where do you go to school?" you asked, as you'd never seen him around Minecraft High. "Block High." he shrugged. "So that's why I've never seen you around school!" you realised. He nodded. "Well, I've gotta go. They assigned some homework, and I have to finish it." you waved. "Hey, real quick, before you go..." Mason wrote his number on a napkin, and kissed your cheek, causing you to blush. "Uh... okay..." you put his number in your pocket.

"I'll come get you Friday, so we can go see a movie?" he asked. "Yeah..." you nodded, and smiled. "See you then." he winked.
You left blushing redder than Mason's hair...

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