Part 1: The Movies

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*Alexis' POV*

It was 12:30 when my friend Stephanie finally got back from dinner with her family. I was supposed to pick her up at 8 to go to the movies but her sister showed up for a surprise visit so her dad felt the need to take her family out to dinner. Ashley and I were mad at first because it was a Friday night and we did not want to be bored when there was a perfectly good movie theater a couple miles away, but being the good friends we are we didn't want to go see the movie without her so I simply told her to text me as soon as she got back home. Ashley and I didn't end up being bored though I found some homework to work on and Ashley was watching YouTube and vine and tweeting away like she always was.

She was OBSESSED with these boys ,mag-con boys? I think that's she called them idk, she's told me there names a lot of times but I forgot them. Stephanie was just as obsessed as her and I couldn't believe how much time they spent talking about them and tweeting them. One time Ashley got a tweet back from one of them and she was unrealistically happy over the next few weeks. Maybe it was because I was older then them, they were still in high school and I was already done with a year of college, I guess my parents enrolled me into school a year early because I was always a year younger then everyone in my grade and when I started college when i was 17 no one would believe my age. Ashley was a year younger then me and Stephanie was 2 years younger. They were both like my little sisters because we all grew up in the same neighborhood. I was missing them a lot lately because when I started college I moved about 15 mins away and i hadn't been able to visit them and my family as much as I had wanted, i guess that's another reason why i waited for Stephanie too, because i really missed her. So i was really happy when she finally texted me at 12:30. There was a  last showing  starting at 1:15 and if we left now we would definitely have time to pick her up. 

I told Ashley and she jump up "it's about time!"she looked a little too excited. " Uh yeah I guess it hasn't been that bad though, hanging out with me has it?" "No! I didn't mean it like that just uhm..well Nash just updated his story on snapchat and it looks like they're going to the movies, don't they live around here?.." she said a little anxious. "Ermm.. does who live around here? Whose Nash?" I was really confused. "Omg never mind i forgot you don't pay attention when i talk about him." "Ok then" I said with a giggle, shes crazy there's sooooo many movie theaters in Los Angeles I think its probably 1 in 500 chance that we would end up in the same one with whoever she was talking about. Anyways i grabbed my keys and she followed me out the door.

We were nearly at the theater now and Ashley and Steph were both overly excited because they had convinced themselves that Nash was going to be at the same theater. "What if Cam and Hayes is there too!" Ashley said turning around in the front seat smiling back at Stephanie. I turned my music up to drown out there excited squeals and was enjoying one of my favorite Drake songs as we pulled up. 

As we walked in Ash and Steph were frantically looking around and then they both let out a little squeal at the same time. I looked in the direction there heads were turned to and I saw a group of young attractive guys and i took a wild guess as to who they were. Ashley and Steph looked at me anxious and said "we'll be right back!" In unison. Before i could say anything they more or less ran toward the group of guys. I turned back around and went and bought our tickets and popcorn and they were still talking to the boys when i was finished now they were giving them hugs and taking pictures. So i walked up and eyed all the guys. Yeah they were all pretty handsome and even though they were taller then me they still looked younger. There was 3 of them, two had ocean blue eyes, one of them was taller and had light blonde highlights in his hair, the other guy the one that looked the oldest though still pretty young was definitely more attractive. I don't know what i was about him but he certainly looked like the kind of guy you only see in the movies or magazines. "Errrr Hi.." I said sheepishly they all looked at me and smile and Ashley said "Alexis! These are the guys we're always talking about! This is Hayes!" She pointed to the shorter one with blue eyes and i looked at him and he smiled. "This is Nash" she said pointing at the taller one with blue eyes he too smiled at me as i looked at him, "And I'm Cameron" said the last boy as he smiled i felt my heart skip a beat his voice was...was.. well sexy i don't think i've ever thought a guys voice was sexy until now .And I could now see why Ashley and Stephanie were so obsessed. "Im Alexis" I said shyly still eyeballing Cameron. "Nice to meet you" he said still smiling "Lex! Can you take a picture of all of us?!" Stephanie nearly shouted "Sure of course haha" I grabbed her phone that she was already holding out and i took a few, the boys moved to a new pose in each picture. I laughed at how goofy they were. They all seemed extremely nice. After reviewing the pictures it was 1:18. "Shoot guys the movie is starting! I said. "oh yeah, i forgot about the movie hahaha!" Ashley must have been to involved with the boys to care about the movie anymore. " So what are you guys going to see?" I asked. Nash is the one that answered but he did it in a deep voice trying to make it sound more dramatic "Guardians of the Galaxyyyyy" I started laughing and then i realized we were going to see that too. " Omg so are we!" Stephanie told Hayes. We all made our way to the theater and took our seats , thank god the commercials were still going i hate missing the beginnings of movies! Steph and Ashley wanted to wait for the boys to be seated so we could sit near them seeing as how there was no one else in the theater. The boys took there seats at the top and motioned for us to come sit with them. Nash and Hayes left 2 seats in between them and Ashley and Steph took them. Where was i supposed to sit. They practically just ditched me. But Cameron who was sitting next to nash moved over a seat and gestured me toward him. 

"Thanks" I said as i sat down and started eating my popcorn. "So you didn't want a picture with us earlier?" Cameron asked me. "I'm sorry i don't really know who you guys friends though, are kind of obsessed" He laughed and then looked at my popcorn "dammit! we forgot to get popcorn, we obviously got to distracted with these pretty girls Nash" We all laughed a little. "I don't really want popcorn anymore, the moment passed bro but if you want to go get come ill eat a little" Nash told Cameron "Ahh but im too lazy " Cam said with a laugh as he slouched in his chair" "Well you could have some of mine, i shouldn't eat this whole thing by myself anyway ill get more fat!" 

"You're definitely not fat, and I don't wanna take your popcorn! naww ill eat to much" he said with a smirk "Seriously half of it is going to go in the trash if you don't eat it" I said smiling "fine ill have just a little!" He said smiling back. As I turned to watch the movie i could feel his eyes on me. Was i being paranoid? Or stupid or was he really looking at me? I chanced a glance at him and his eyes were beaming at me and he smiled and looked to the screen. I couldn't help but smile to myself and blush a little. I could feel him stare at me now and then during the movie and a few times we reached for popcorn at the same time and his hand would touch mine. For some reason these little touches tingled my skin it was a nice feeling. About half way through the movie I needed to pee really bad so i got up. "Excuse me" I said to Cameron because he had his feet up. He looked up and smiled at me "Where are you going?" He whispered "I'm going pee! Haha now move mister" I giggled as he moved his legs and smiled.I was glad he asked where i was going, i wanted someone to know because it was pretty late and if a creepo decided to bug me and keep me long im sure Cameron would let my friends know...or i hoped he would!

As i was walking down the hall I swear I could feel someone following me and then I was sure I heard footsteps a few feet back.....

Thanks for reading! I will try to post everyday :) Leave comments c: and if you want to follow me on twitter its @damnsexydallas i follow back! :D

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