Part 2: The Arcade

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*Cameron's POV*

I watched Alexis walk out of the theater thinking about how gorgeous she was but then I was suddenly worried she was going to use the restroom and it was late at night what if there was a werido in the hall way. Before i realized it i was on my feet walking toward the hallway to the door. She was just a couple feet in front of me and i was following her out of the theater. I didn't know if i should call after her...would she think i was being crazy for following her? But before I could decide what i wanted to do she looked back at me anxiously and I could see a beautiful smile spread across her face.

"Hey.. sorry I didn't want you walking around out here by yourself there might be a rapist or something"I said with a bit of a smile , I was really nervous was she going to think i was weird or something maybe i should have just stayed in the theater but she interrupted my thoughts "That's really sweet, thank you" she smiled at me again and I swear my heart stopped for a second. She was unbelievably gorgeous. She had these huge light brown eyes, her facial features weren't proportional because she had full lips that were almost heart shaped, and a small nose but it was the imperfection that made it perfect . She had long light brown hair to match her eyes that reached all the way down to her butt. And she had a perfect body. She was curved in all the right places and I couldn't help but feel like I was magnetically attracted to her because i just wanted to be closer to her not only physically but i wanted to know what was going on in that brain behind those sparkling brown eyes. My admiration of her was interrupted when she said "Cameron.... uhh i think you dropped something." I looked at the floor embarrassed what did i drop?I felt her finger under my chin and suddenly she was very close to me looking into my eyes. "I was talking about your jaw" she snickered and started walking toward the bathroom. I followed quickly and laughed, that was actually really funny. "Sorry you're just a lot of pretty to take in" "oh shut up haha I'll be right back" she said as she was pushing the door into the bathroom. I don't want to go back to the movie, i want to just go somewhere and be alone with her so we could talk and hang out, i dowant to invite her over though then she'll just think im trying to fuck her. I pulled out my phone to see what was open around and I found an arcade a few minutes away. That was open until 3:30. I was debating weather i should ask her or not, was i being to forward? She came out of the bathroom then. "Wow that was quick" I said "Yeah i used to play l a lot of call of duty online when i was a no life in high school, and intermission is only 30 secs between rounds so i had to be quick" she was giggling at herself. She was so cute she started walking back toward the theater "Wait." She looked at me weird "Do you have to go or something?" she said looking at the bathrooms "No haha i was just wondering if you really wanted to see the end of the movie..... welll because i wanted to go somewhere with you" She was looking at me in a weird way and i realized that last part sounded weird.n't

"Like where? Its near 2:30 in the morning i highly doubt anything is open" she said with her eyebrows raised. "Somewhere it's a surprise duh." i said with a smirk

"But i don't really know you Cam what if you're a creeper or something" She said nudging my shoulder and smiling. "Well i guess you'll just have to trust me.."

"I would  like to go but i drove my friends here I'm sorry neither of them can drive."

"Nash can drive he's good i promise he won't wreck your car, we can tell them you aren't feeling good or something and I'll drive you home and Nash will drive them home."

"Well i guess it wouldn'thurt to ask .." Yesss! i thought, i was really excited as we walked back to the theater so we could give Nash her keys.

"Don't you dare go joyriding! Just drop them off and ill pick it up from your place tomorrow or something" "No problem now shh" He said with a smile but he was only half listening because he was intently watching the movie.

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