Chapter 22

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"Ella's POV"

"What ?" I look at him dumbfounded.

"You're funny." I point at him while, laughing.

"I wish I was that funny." he laughs uneasily.

"Harry and Zayn only met you because of a bet. It was only for the money." he tells me.

"What was the bet?"

"To see who could sleep with you first."

I stayed in silence taking small bites.of the yogurt. I was hurt, I didn't want to believe it.

I think of the words he said to me just a few minutes ago trying to process what he told me.

"Ella, are you okay?" he asks as he reaches for my hand. I move it away and nod.

"Please, don't be mad at Zayn. It changed, they both changed. Zayn really likes you. He practically loves you." he begs. I mentally scoff. He loves me. Okay if he did he wouldn't leave out this whole piece of information.

"You're crazy." I raise my voice.

"Don't ever speak to me." I warn him and get out of my seat walking to the door. Louis grabs my hand but I smack him in the face. He holds his cheek, and stares at me with wide eyes.

"Don't touch me, come near me , or talk to me ever again, and tell that to Zayn and Harry." I scream in his face as tears came down my face.

By the time I finished Louis stood there motionless. I couldn't care less if he stood there or if he felt like shit. He did.something a ton more worst. How can he? I asked myself a billion times. How could he just lie to me like that ? He was my best friend. They both were. I felt disgusted and betrayed. I feel so stupid with myself. I felt my phone vibrate and I saw the caller ID, Zayn. Of course it was him. I instantly shut my phone off and walked anywhere. I didn't care if I got lost or if anyone was looking for me.


I was sitting down on a bench with a cup of coffee in my hands. Watching cars pass by, people walking by. My face was probably bright red, and my nose was probably like Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. I shut my eyes and they burned probably from all the crying. It was like I was lifeless. Hoping if I just stayed there I'd drift away. My eyes slowly started to close and I layed down onto the emptyside of the bench. Hoping, the day will end. I looked up at the grey sky I thought of everything, and everyone. Were they worried? Are they looking for me? As I thought of each and every thing my heart slowly churned, each tear fell as I thought of everything. My eyes slowly began to close and I layed there lifeless.


I woke up extremely dizzy, my head was throbbing and my eyes burned. As I looked around I noticed I was in Zayn's room . My. clothes were changed into something more comfortable. As I headed to the bathroom I rinsed my face and took a sigh. How am I going to face Zayn? I just couldn't look st him. The door suddenly knocked and I heard Zayn's voice.His voice didn't sound the same. It sounded as if he was broken or a loved one died.

I opened the door to see his face and he took a sigh if relief. I glared at him and headed for my clothes. I was sure not staying here.

"Where are you going?" he asks.

"None of your business!"

"It is my business. You're my business." he grabs my hand, and I had to bite my lip from crying.

"I'm sorry. I should've told you sooner. I was going to tell you tonight but, Louis got to me."

"I don't care." I mumble and yank my hand out of his hold. Walking towards the door, and having my bags by my side Zayn grabs me and hugs me from behind.

"Please. I'm sorry. Stay. I need you in my life. I-I love you." he tells me as he starts to cry. I tried my best to not let him get to me but a tear landed down my face, and I wiped it away, trying to tug Zayn's arms that were around me but he wouldn't let go.

"Please. Stay." he mumbles repeatedly.

"I can't" I say weakly.

"You can. It was years ago. I didn't know what I was doing. I love you, I can't let you go." he confessed as he tightens his grip around me.

"I'm just leaving for a while, and then we can talk. I promise." I turned around and faced him.

"You won't. I know you won't. I know you. Don't lie to me."

"Don't make this any harder than it is. You did this I didn't." I pleaded, and tried to get his hands of me.

"What can I do to make you stay?"

"Nothing." I say harshly.

"There's nothing you can do." I spat out, as I got out of his hold.

"Please." he begs, as a tear rolls down his eye.

"I have to go." I tell him and kiss him cheek, savoring this moment leaving my lips there for a few more seconds.

"Goodbye Zayn" I say and shut the door.


*teardrop* ugh, this chapter is so short. I hate it. It was a sad chapter to write, but I thought it needed some sass so here. Vote, comment. Thanks for reading ! -E

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