Chapter 31

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"Ella's POV'

I got dressed in black pants, a leather jacket and a clean white shirt. While, I was heading downstairs I see Zayn playing with his phone. He was so into it that I had to wave my hand in front of his face for him to notice me. He smiled at me, and held my waist while we walked to the car.

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

"Burger place?" He suggested and I nod. I wasn't a picky eater so anything was fine with me.

Zayn held his hand with mine while we sat in the phone booth. I ordered a shake and he ordered a burger. I decided to take my book out from my bag and read under the table. I wasn't bored, I just wanted to finish this book so buy another one. Suddenly, I felt my phone buzz from my pocket and I answer the person calling me. I greet them with the nicest tone I have incase it was a professor calling or a stranger.

"Took you long enough to reply back." The voice said, my breath hitched and I could not believe it was him. Zayn noticed my discomfort but I gave him a reassuring smile.

"Why're you calling?" I ask as politely as I can.

"Well, I wanted to meet again. Since we had such a great time today."

"I don't want to hang out with you."

"Well, that sucks. Because I want to hang out with you. I mean lets put the past behind us Ella." I could practically hear the smirk. I could see Zayn looking at me every once in a while. But, I gave him a smile I didn't want him to know about Chris.

"F.uck you." I was bold enough to say now. When I was younger I would let him pick on me because I was afraid of what he would do if I stood up for myself.

"Well, haven't you've grown up." He laughs humorously. Then, my phone gets snatched from me and Zayn is controlling his anger and says 'back the f.uck off' before hang the phone up. He hands me back my phone and slides his hand to my waist.

"Who was that?" He asks annoyed.

"Just a guy." I mumble and put my head down.

"Well he needs to stop calling. I'm trying to enjoy this with my girlfriend and he's calling to much." He kisses my cheeks.

"Why're you so good to me?" I put my head on his shoulder.

"Because I love you." He mumbles softly. I was going to say it back. I felt the same for him. I wanted to confess my love to him. But, our food came which stopped me.

"You sure you're not hungry?" He asks and I nod letting him enjoy his food.

I slept through out the whole day when we got home from dinner. To much has been going on and I just felt like shit. Why do the bad things always happen to me? I wonder what mum would do. I would ask her but, she'd probably want me to move back in with her. I woke up for about 30 minutes, it was currently 2 o'clock in the afternoon. I didn't have anything better to do so I just slept. Zayn left a note saying he was going out. He's been going out a lot lately.

Flashbacks of how Harry and I fought, when he kissed me, when I found out that our friendship was based on a bet. I regret everything that I've done from then on. I loved Zayn, a little to much. Why did I even forgive him? He didn't explain much, more or less he just apologized. I haven't even seen Louis since the day I slapped him. We talk occasionally a few text but that's it. Harry and I aren't even on speaking terms. I missed when we would spend as much time as we could. When he went on tours he'd call everyday, while I was in Uni. But, everything had changed. I just hope that everything goes back to normal. The door opens quickly and I jump a little. Zayn peeks from the door and gives me a smile.

"Hey, where have you been?"

"Just hanging with the lads again. We're mostly focusing on the new album." He shrugs and takes off his jacket.

"Will I get to hear them?" I ask

"Maybe not." He says a little to quickly, and I stuck my tongue out to him.

"What did you wanna do today?" he asks. I just shrug and tell him to sleep with me, tugging his arm down. He chuckles softly, and gets in.

"Are you gonna go back to school?"

"No, talking about school." I scold him, that's the least I wanna talk about.

"Do you talk to Harry? Like are you guys in speaking levels." Zayn just shakes his head.

"He comes to the studio and ignores me mostly."


"Let's getaway." He says looking deeply in my eyes.

"What?" I laugh.

"Yeah, let's getaway for a bit. We can rent this place near the ocean."

"I don't know, Zayn." I have an uneasy feeling about this.

"Come on." He whispers and kisses me on the lips, I kiss him back putting one if my arms around his head and the other across his cheek touching his jaw.

"Is that a yes?" He says breathlessly.

"Okay." I mumble and he pecks me on the lips.

hi guys. how have you been? I have finals this week but I thought I would write a chapter. I HATE SCHOOL so much. The only good thing is I get out early. This chapter was meh, it sucked to be honest but, it gives you a little on how Ella thinks. But yay they're going on a trip, I can't wait to write about that. AND GUYS ITS 650 reads. I'm so thankful that you guys actually read it. I love you guys so much. Okay, I'm gonna leave now. byee. Vote comment- E.

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