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But guys you guys can just skip to 13-15 and you wouldn't miss a thing. It's in major editing from 1-12. There's no answer. It just cause I'm a terrible writer for those chaps. But, if you choose to read it and like it. I love you.

Hi, welcome to my writing place? I don't know what to call it. But, this is basically a thank you to whoever is reading this.

I just wanted to thank anyone who keeps reading this, even though it is crap. Really this story is so cliche, but I like writing a lot, Literally if anyone is on my phone theirs drafts everywhere in my phone, because class is boring and i just come up with ideas. But, reeally thanks so much for whoever is reading it really means a lot to me even though I'm only 200 reads in. i still reallly appreciate people reading this. Or at least finding it interesting So thanks guys so much! I LOVE YOU GUYS FOR READING MY STORY.
But enough of the sappy! LOTS OF LOVE-E.

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